Avernum 2 | Eastern Province | |
Navigation: Notes
Friendly towns: Fort Dranlon | Fort Duvno | Silvar
Dungeons: Cotra | N Nephar Fortress | E Hidden Empire Fort | S Secret Sliths | X Trapped Halls | C Coven Cove
List of all towns and shops in Avernum
Eastern Province |
This used to be a fairly peaceful part of Avernum but the war has ravaged this province. The Empire has somehow managed to strike a blow in the heart of Avernum thereby destroying Cotra. They often send sorties to the west of the area and there are often groups of Null Bugs wandering around in the eastern half north of Duvno. Before the slith hideout in the northwest has been flushed out, you can often be attacked by parties of them in that area.
This is where the portal stands, which was used to send prisoners down to Avernum. Since it is no longer in use there it no point in going into this town which has now been turned into a refugee camp for the victims of Cotra.
In a cave at the end of a hidden passage is a basilisk. Unfortunately it is not guarding any goodies.
When you try to get into this cave you find it has been occupied by Empire troops. It will take three tries to get rid of them; after which a vistit to the cave will restore health and spell points.
A tricky little cave with some nice rewards. In Avernum I a witch was just beginning to build it.
There is a package labeled "Dharmon" on this tiny island. It contains herbs of a kind that you do not recognise.
You can drink from this pool, which will enlighten you. If you hurry off to the house near the abandoned quarry, you will be able to decipher the tablets to be found there.
You cannot see anything here on this island.
A heavy force of Empire troops is attacking this slith village. If you help the sliths you will be rewarded with 1 rep.
Near an abandoned quarry is a house which seems to have been inhabited by a wizard. He left some tablets there. If you are enlightend (see Pool of Enlightenment) you can learn Restore Life L2 and Divine Restoration L2.
These poor gremlins have lost thier wives and don't know what to do! (H on the Worldmap)
Caitlin is the leader of a band of Scimitar warriors who are hiding in this remote house (I on the Worldmap). She will give you a quest to find and destroy the Empire caches in the area.
He sell mage spells 1 – 11 at a very reasonable price.
A quiet nephilim settlement, whose denizens are friendly but do not have anything to offer.
This is where the Nephilim prisoners are being held that Captain Arlen in Silvar has asked you to free.
If you approach this hut by a lake you will find out that an Avernum patrol is being attacked by a band of Empire soldiers. You get the option to help them out or flee in terror. If you help them you can pick up som good loot and you reputation increases by one.
Captain Johnson in Fort Duvno and Pathass in Gnass have given you missions in this hidden dungeon.
If you land on this island and approach the village you will be attacked by the chieftain who is leading lots of warriors and sliths.
This Courier (T on the Worldmap) was carrying a satchel containing some scrolls. If you manage to pull the right one, you will learn the password to the Empire caches. Oherwise you will be dumbfounded.
If you loot this cache you get some Razordiscs but will be attacked by 6–8 Vahnatai Warriors, who drop mainly Waveblades.
You can come here even if you have not found the Tower of Sixus.