Silvar Eastern Province

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

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General Hints

This once peaceful and thriving town is now overrun by refugees from Cotra. They have been allocated space in the south of the town but there are so many of them that it is very crowded here. There also seems to be trouble with bandits.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Garry Innkeeper This innkeeper is very friendly. He has a room for only 5 coins, sells slightly expensive rations and offers you a room where you can store surplus equipment. I use this locked room at the end of the corridor, not only because Garry has offered it but also because Silvar is in a very central position. He also offers to pay you for every sack of sugar you can find. Quest slightly
Awrmm Guest This Nephil is sitting in the bar minding his own business.
Gibrain Guest This archer seems to be trying to drown his troubles in beer. If you press him he will tell you how to find a big hidden lair of sliths to the north of Cotra and then west.
Efram Shopkeeper
He has very basic weapons and armour. If you ask him about the sword on the wall, he will tell you that although he calls it "Deamonslayer" it is a copy and the real one is in the Castle. expensive
Oss-Ess Trainer If you speak to him he will talk a bit about peace between the races of Avernum.
Anastasia Shopkeeper
Efram's wife has some middle of the range amour, but nothing I did not already have when I first got there. exorbitant
Elspeth Townswoman In one of the tiny huts in the refugee quarter you find this warrior. She tells you that there are some bandits around and also that she is looking for Nance who was her friend when they lived together in Cotra. Quest
Angarahad Child This little girl is rather lonely because she lost all her friends in Cotra. You can cheer her up a bit by playing with her.
Ruth Shipwright Just sells boats 400
Captain Arlen Commander As commander and acting mayor of Silvar he has lots of worries. He will give you some useful information about the sacking of Cotra, tells you about the refugees and gives you a mission. Quest
Asp Soldier Among the refugees you can find Asp from Cotra. he will tell you a bit about the attack and also about the brigands that are robbing the refugees and have a hideout somewhere in the south of the town.

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It is worth having a good look around this town. The gangways around the perimeter of the defences are worth exploring. At the far end of the SW one you can find the teleporter code for this town – very useful later when you get to the teleporter in the Tower of Magi.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. There are lots of people who will tell quite a lot. Captain Arlen will give you the mission to free some Nephilim prisoners (Reward: 25 xp plus 4 reputation). Elspeth wants you to find Nance (Reward: a Diamond Dagger, 5 xp and 1 rep.). She and Asp tell you about the ruffians who are pestering the refugees.

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The Inn

The inn is well frequented. Garry the landlord was here in Avernum 1. In those days he was an entrepreneur who started to build a spa in the north. But war came and he had to lay the venture on ice.

The four soldiers sitting at the bar are not very communicative but Gibrain likes to chat. After Captain Arlen has told you to ask him about the imprisoned Nephilim, Awrmm is willing to give you some further information about them.

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The Brigands

The ruffian's hideout can be entered from the gangway in the SE of the town. There are a few soldiers and archers in the first room. The bandits in the second room are a bit tougher. They drop some good equipment but the two chest contain a few coins and some bric-a-brac. Asp, Elspeth and Arlen will all thank you for dispatching the brigands but no one will give you a reward. Anyway you have the feeling that you have done something to help the refugees and you have got a nice bit of loot to sell.

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There is an inn run by Garry. Rooms here are cheap (5 coins).

The little bit of riverbank behind one of the refugee's huts can be reached by boat or through a hidden door in the hut. There is however nothing there.