Avernum Escape from the Pit The Castle Great Cave

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Pylon, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

The Castle Castle Cellar
The Castle Cellar
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General Hints

The Castle is the administrative centre of Avernum which is ruled by King Micah who has his residence here. When you first arrive at the gates you will find them closed. You must present your Crown Token in order to gain admittance. You can however get in without the necessary papers if you have already killed Sss-Thsss.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Micah King You need a Royal Token to be able to talk to him. He will give you the quests to kill the Slith Chief ‘Sss-Thsss’ and bring Micah his torc .If you ask him he will tell you that you need a key to get into the Slith Castle and tell you where you might find one. Later (after the destruction of Fort Remote) he will give you the mission to slay Grah-Hoth. Quest
Houghton Captain He waffles about how good his defences are and will give you a series of quests (some of which are not quite harmless). Quest
Josh Child Chatters away merrily.
Renee Moans about Houghton and tells you a bit about Frankl, the true commander of the Castle, who is trying to attack the Slith Castle on an Island on the lakes to the NE of Fort Emerald. Although he has no surplus goods to sell, he will buy your loot at the normal prices.
Benth Priest Will buy Magical Notes for 40 coins plus a few xp. Quest
Rone Mage Rone is very absent minded (or perhaps senile). He will tell you to read his journal, after which he will give you information about Grath-Hoth and send you off to Patrick.
Chevyn Prince Although he is his son he does not seem to be the best choice as sucsessor to King Micah. He is looking for his pet lizard and asks you to find his ring, which he has also lost. Quest
Chevyn Lizard The Prince's pet lizard, which he named after himself, is wandering through the gangways around the perimeter.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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There is a small shrine in the middle of the Castle just south of Captain Hodgson's office. If you pray at the altar (and have not commited too many crimes) you will be blessed with a Ward of Elements which will last until you enter a friendly town or cast an other ward.

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The staircase down to the pylon chamber is in the NE corner of the Castle.

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Chevyn's Ring

This one is relatively easy: it is under the barrel in the NW of the prison block in the east of the castle. He gives you no reward other than about 55 xp. As it is a normal Platinum Ring worth 500 coins you could sell it (which yields 140 with enhanced negotiation) and forget about the measly experience points.

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Micah's Quests

The two quests that the king gives you are not exactly trivial

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You must first get an Onyx key which can be found either in the Swamp City or in the Slith Fort. You can then sail to the Slith Castle and kill Sss-Thsss. The king will reward you with 1500 coins about 35xp and 2 reputation.

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Soon after giving King Micah Sss-Thsss' torc, you will hear that Fort Remote has been attacked. He will ask you to invesigate and when you have done so and report back that it was Grah-Hoth, he will give you the mission to kill the demon lord. He will also tell you quite a lot about this demon and his prison Skarragath. The first step is to free him from his prison, but to be able to do this you need the Blessed Athame which is in the Tower of Magi.

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Secret Doors
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Job Board

There is no Job Board in this town but Captain Houghton gives a series of quests.

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Yet Another Demon

There is a demon trapped in one of the cells in the Castle. He asked you to banish it.
The demon Infernal Carnarus is in a cell in the lower reaches in the SE. He and his henchman a Mindless Cultist are a bit difficult. They drop a little loot which prompts Houghton to waive a reward! You only get about 45xp!.

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Intentions Of Kyass

A man named Kyass appears to be trying to start a new nation in northern Avernum. Houghton is concerned that this is a real threat. Go to the fortress of Kyass, speak with him, and report his intentions back to Houghton.
When you tell him about Kyass he gets quite paranoid. This time however you get a reward: a Whistling Band, 250 coins and about 50 xp. Houghton's next job is not quite so harmless.

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Drive Kyass Away

Houghton believes that Avernum has no land to spare for Kyass's ambitions. You are to go to the keep of Kyass and insist that this invader departs. If he refuses, you are to drive him out.
If you decide to kill Kyass Houghton will reward you with about 30xp, 1000 coins and a Hero's Necklace (value 3000).

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The treasury is in the SW corner of the castle and can be enterd from the library where Rone hangs out. The first obstacles are two Barriers (L3). Then you come to a trap (TU 12, with 11 you will be attacked by 6 Cyros Demons). Behind the locked door are three Trained Basiliks. When you have disposed of these you find two chests. In the right one is an Eagle Eye Band which you can take and two sets of Magical Notes together with a Wisdom Crystal which are marked as "not Yours". The left one contains the whole wealth of Avernum (or at least the greater part of it). If you decide to steal it you will be 5000 coins richer but loose 3 reputation. When you try to leave you will find two Cyros Demons blocking the way.

If you pray at the shrine in the centre of the castle at any time in the future you will now be afflicted with the Dread Curse, instead of being blessed with a Ward of Elements.