Avernum Escape from the Pit Tower of Magi Magi/Honeycomb

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Pylon, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Tower of Magi Tower of Magi (upstairs)
Tower of Magi upstairs
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General Hints

The Tower of Magi is the magical centre of Avernum and is ruled by the Triad: Linda, who has a fixation about demons and has brought one to the tower, X, who is a recluse and conducts research in the strangest areas and Solberg, who wisely has decided to hide somewhere else. With such a weird and instable government, it is suprising that the daily work of the tower functions so well.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Ambrin Mage Sells mage spells 1 – 12, gives you a quest to kill the ogre mage to the north Reward: around 85 xp, 1 reputation and he lets you read a tome which teaches Protection L3. He also tells you about Konig in Cotra, whom you should (re-)visit when you are next in the area. He also drops a hint about the demon lord Adze-Haakai. slightly
Brantford Shopkeeper
(misc. Items)
He sells rather unintersting items at an exorbitant price but will offer you a good price for your loot. exorbitant
Glenda Shopkeeper
(misc. Items)
She sells a motley collection of magical items and also gives a good price for loot. exorbitant
Zathnia Apothecary She is standing in for Cortath who has gone off looking for Greymould. She tells you to speak to Phyllea in Fort Draco if you want to learn the recipe for Greymould Salve. She will not sell you any potions but will make some for you if you have the ingredients.
Throndell Priest Sells priest spells 1 – 12 (slightly expensive). He will tell you that he is working with X on a spell to do with anvils and will give you the mission to find the biggest anvil in Avernum. If you have visted Boutell in Fort Draco you can tell him that the smith has the largest anvil in Avernum, you get about 75 xp and he will then (if your reputation is more than 9) teach you Ward of Steel and Flamestrike (exorbitant). He also cures the Dread Curse at a price. slightly
expensive, Quest, exorbitant
X Mage X, a member of the Triad, researches the most bizarre things. At present he is trying to develop a spell to drop an anvil on somebody's head! He gives you the quest to find the library of Bargha. As reward you get around 75xp and he will teach you some advanced mage spells. When you have killed Adze-Haakai he will train you in a few skills. Quest, expensive, slightly
Linda Mage She is a member of the Triad and has imprisoned the demon Adze-Haakai in the tower.
Kelner Apprentice He will set you off on the path to find Solberg and hence slay Adze-Haakai. Quest
Newbry Mage She is in charge of the Portal.
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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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If you read the tomes in the room just west of the entrance you will learn about the Blesed Athame and see a note about Adze-Haakai. You need to have read this or to have heard about this demon (eg from Ambrin) before Kelner will tell you about Solberg.

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The Pylons

There is a stairway upto the Portal-Chamber just north of Ambrin's laboratory. If you go up and talk to Newbry she will tell you how to use the portals. This is the central portal of the network covering Avernum. You only have to touch this one and you can transport yourself to any other portal you have already touched. The following Towns have Portals that can be reached from here:

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Zanthia's Potions
Potion Ingredients
Healing Elixir Greymould, Healing Herbs
Curing Elixir Greymould, Healing Herbs
Energy Elixir Greymould, Healing Herbs, Energetic Herbs
Armour Elixir Greymould, Spiritual Herbs, Energetic Herbs

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Special Items and Treasure

In the SW is a locked room with a desk and a bookcase which contain a few goodies you could pilfer. At the back of the room however is a passage blocked by a barrier. If you can get past it, there is a tome which will teach Haste L3.

The Blessed Athame is in a chest protected by three Cave Demons in a room behind a barrier (L1) in the restricted area to the east of the tower.

South of his workshop Ambrin has a a storeroom which contains some goodies you could steal.

In the SW Meditation Cell south of the temple is a chest containing a few herbs which could be pinched.

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The Restricted Area

There are two ways of getting into the Restricted Area, both of which involve secret doors which are opened up by buttons in the wall.

  1. From the garden to the south of the main entrance: This way involves a door which needs Tool Use 5 and a trap which can be disarmed with TU 7.
  2. From the storage room east of the Triad Quarters (i.e. NE of the pool Kelner likes to stare into): This way needs the ability to dispel barriers (L1).

After getting into the restricted area you find 5 Imps in a nook just north of the cubby hole containing the Blessed Athame.

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Secret Doors
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Job Board

There is no Job Board in this town.

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The first step on the way to killing the demon which Linda has imprisoned is to read the tomes in the NW. Then you can talk to Kelner who will tell you how to find the password to Solberg's tower. After getting the Crystal Key from Solberg you can attempt to kill Adze-Haakai, but it will be easier if you have the Demonslayer.

The entrance to Adze-Haakai's prison is from the resticted area. You need the Crystal Key to get past a gate. When you approach the staircase to the west two Mung, a Cryros and two Cave Demons appear. Having removed them you can climb the stairs. In the middle of the lava area you will be attacked by four pairs of Molten Imps. The hints in Spiderweb's Book of Answers are helpful here:

Adze-Haakai will inflict your characters with death curses. However, there are magic circles in the room that can protect you from this affliction. The stones around the circles will turn red, one stone each turn. When all three stones are red, anyone in the circle will be Enlightened, curing any death curse and providing protection from future curses. Use the circles to protect yourself from the curses, and kill the demon.

When you have defeated the demon, you can pick up the Onyx Septre (and also a suit of Crystalline Plate). There is even a bit of treasure to pick up. Surprisingly one of the piles of skulls hides something useful – a Battle Crystal! To the south of the haakai's chamber is a small room in the west which is blocked by a barrier (L3) protecting a blue chest containing a scroll, an Invulnerability Elixir and a Wisdom Crystal.

Linda is naturally not exactly pleased if you tell her that you have killed the demon, but X will now teach you some skills and Solberg some spells.