Avernum Escape from the Pit Tower of Sulfras Great Cave

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Tower of Sulfras
Tower of Sulfras
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General Hints

Sulfras is quite friendly towards humans. She guards the entrance to the tunnels which lead to an exit to the surface and will only let you past if you complete a quest for her.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Bahk-Shah Demon He used to belong to Erika but now guards Sulfras' Lair and greets guests. He tells you that one of Erika's talking statues has been placed here. He also warns you that you cannot proceed east without her consent.
Sulfras Dragon After a lot of beating about the bush you can formally ask her permission to pass to the east. She will then give you the quest to find a magic circlet (in Spire) and the Onyx Sceptre (Adze-Haakai in the Tower of Magi). When you give her the artefacts you gain around 12xp apiece and she will let you pass to the east. Quest
Talking Statue (Erika has Password) This statue is hidden and when you find it, it tells you that Sulfras seeks a circlet and a sceptre, also that although her treasure chests are trapped, the trap on the SE chest is broken.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles. There are a few crystals outside to the south of the main entrance, which you could steal.

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Secret Doors
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The text for the talking statue has been taken over directly from the original Avernum 1. What it says about the treasure is rubbish – none of the chests is trapped. In fact I have only found three trapped chests in this game and these are in the treasuries in Formello and in the Castle.

You can only get to her treasure trove by killing Sulfras and her many guards. After they are all gone you can press the button and rob the treasure.

There are lots of coins (around 150) lying on the ground together with a few nice items like a Platinum Ring, a Gold Necklace and a Talisman if Might (value 4000 coins). The four chests are not trapped and contain some coins an a few sellable items. Although you loose no reputation nor are you cursed, I do not feel it is worth killing the dragon just for a few coins and a talisman which I already have.