Avernum Escape from the Pit Silvar Eastern Gallery

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Pylon, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Silvar Silvar Sewers
Silvar Sewers
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General Hints

It is a good idea to visit this town very early on. You can complete your first mission (find Anastasia) and get some new quests. When visiting a new town, I usually walk around the outside of the walls, where there is sometimes some dropped treasure, a corpse with some useful items or a monster or two to be killed. This also has the advantage that you can see where the town walls are and recognise empty spaces which might be hidden rooms

In the case of Silvar there is a chest containing a Healing Potion just outside the east wall and some Healing Herbs in the SW corner.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Gary Innkeeper Gary has a free room and if you talk to him will ask you to locate a natural hot spring (Reward: 100 coins and 1 reputation but no experience points). He has also pinned a notice on the Job Board. Quest
Chuck Guest will talk to you but seems to be on the point of drinking himself under the table which means that he does not have any useful information. If you have been told about him by Ramone in Almaria Chuck will tell you a bit about the Slith Castle.
Jay Guest Jay is a refugee who is looking for work (see the Job Board). He would be a very good addition to your party but will not join you even if you have a free slot.
Erik Threescars Trainer Erik will teach Quick Action and Gymnastics expensive
Anastasia Shopkeeper
Anastasia sells very basic armour and will buy surplus items. She is is Efram's wife and will tell you to ask him about the Demonslayer. It also turns out that she is Warrick's sister. slightly
Efram Shopkeeper
He sells very basic weapons and will tell you a bit about the Demonslayer. He will also buy loot and needs various artefacts (see the Job Board). expensive
Kranz Shipwright As well as selling you a boat he will talk a bit about the Sliths. 350
Jonathan Mayor Although you complete the "Task" Varan in Fort Avernum gave you, by talking to the Mayor, you do not get any reward. Jonathan will however tell you a bit about the administration of Avernum and will give you the mission to deal with the Sewer Worms. When you have completed this quest he will give you some further important information. Quest
Carol Shopkeeper
She will tell you that she has heard strange sounds when feeding her cows in the adjecent pen. slightly
Talking Statue (Erika has Password) Even after you have the password from Erika, this statue has no information for you.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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Hidden Treasures
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Sewer Worms

It is a bit quicker to use the trapdoor in the NW corner of the town. Proceed south and then east across the bridge. Here you can see a closed portcullis to the south. You will have to skirt around first south, then east, north and finally back south fighting lots of worms in order to reach the wheel which opens the portcullis. Here you will find Droknarr, a nephil shaman of the Split-Tail Clan, who has been creating the worms by magic. He is a bit tough to kill and keeps summoning Cave Crawlers and more Worms. When you have disposed of him you can pick up a bit of loot and report back to the mayor who will give you a Shining Silver Band (a luck charm) and 50–60 xp.

After you have completed this task he will explain about the pylons and tell you about Crown Clearance and that the mayor of Formello is looking for adventurers to run a mission for her.

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The Pylon

Once the Mayor has told you about it (or if your group has a total Tool Use of at least 7) you can approach the pylon, which is located in the NE corner of the sewers. At this stage you can only go up to it and touch it. When you get to the Tower of Magi you can learn how to use them and will be able to teleport yourself to any pylon which you have already touched.

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Job Board

The Job Board is near the City Hall, SW of the pond.

Job Description Originator
Supplies The smith will give you three jobs to bring him various artefacts. Efram
Misplaced Knowledge Some Scrolls containing magical knowledge are possibly in the Bandit Fort. If these papers exist and can be recovered, the helper will be rewarded. Walner, Fort Duvno
Message – Fort Duvno Relay a message to Captain Johnson in Fort Duvno. Jay
Bat Swarms There is a bounty in coin and steel waiting for the first adventurer who can track some bats to their lair and slay ten of them Garry

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Supplies for Efram

Efram pins a total of three notes on the Job Board, mostly expressing the need for various tools. It is therefore a good idea to collect these objects as you find them and then give the required artefacts to him when the notice is put up. He will ask for 3 Hammers, 3 Bars of Iron, 3 Picks, 3 Shovels, 3 Tongs and 3 Pincers. When you come across any of these items just give them to one of your characters, until she has three of each. Surplus Bars of Iron can be sold to Jonnhalyn in Blosk, who pays 20 coins per bar. (But be careful not to sell them all until you have completed Efram's quest.) Nobody else will however pay gold for tools.

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Magical Scrolls

The scrolls Walner in Fort Duvno wants can be found in the attic of the Bandit Fort. He will reward you with two scrolls (Group Heal and Speed Burst) and 65–75 xp

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Message from Jay

This one is trivial: just visit Capt. Johnson in Fort Duvno, who rewards you with 50 coins and 60–70 xp.

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Bat Swarms

In the original Avernum game, there was no reward for clearing out the Bat Cave. Now there are two quests involving this dungeon. For Garry you just have to kill all the bats in the directly accesssible parts of the cave. There is no need to find any of the hidden passages or to descend into the volcanic parts. Garry will reward you with a Bronze Broardsword, 100 coins and 85 xp;