Avernum Escape from the Pit Bandit Fort Eastern Gallery

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Bandit Fort Bandit Fort (Attic)
Bandit Fort Attic
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General Hints

This fort is reasonably easy for a low level party. In most dungeons it is a good idea to explore arouund the edges, rather than barging staight into the middle. In this case it does not bring very much. There is a Fierce Rat outside the walls in the NE corner guarding a few coins and nothing at all to the south.

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Here you can enter through the main gate and go straight up to the barracks in the west. I prefer to skirt round the barracks (whether to the north or south does not make much difference). This way I can remove the thugs lurking in the passages to the west and north so that they cannot come in to reinforce the others, when I attack the leader who is in a room in the middle of this complex.

After dealing with the mage it is better to eliminate the thugs and a bandit in the mess hall and the others including a Rogue Acolyte in the room to the south.

After killing all the bandits and thugs you can pick up loot and read the magic scrolls in the mage's quarters, which will teach you Beast Binding L3 if your group has at least 4 points of Arcane Lore.

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The Attic

In the room to the SW of the mess is a ladder which leads up to the attic. Here you find some goblins and globlin flingers. The box in the west of the northern room contains a jumble of velum scraps. If you took the job in Silvar to recover the "Misplaced Knowledge", you can find some filthy scrolls which seem to fit the description. You could now go off to Fort Duvno and collect your rewards from Capt. Johnson and Walner but I prefer to clear the dungeon.

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In the SW there are some Skeletons and Cave Worms which must not be eliminated. They keep themselves to themselves and do not bother you or the bandits unless someone wanders into their territory. They are however guarding some chests containing a bit of useful loot. The two rooms in the middle of the dungeon do not contain anything useful.

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Secret Doors