Avernum Escape from the Pit Mertis Magi/Honeycomb

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

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General Hints

Mertis is a quiet little town which is troubled by a plague of undead emanating from the Spiral Pit.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Mark Innkeeper Relatively normal inn. The innkeeper will talk a bit about the Undead in the area. He tells you that there is some curse around here.
Gypsy Guest She is a musician and wants to play for Motrax. She also tells you about Athron who lives in the Honeycomb to the west.
William Mage Actually an aprentice mage. He is on his way to the Tower of Magi and tells you a bit about crystals.
Elmer Mayor As well as being mayor he runs the auction house. He will give a quest to clear up the plague of undead around the area, Reward: 500 coins, a Mica Band (value 500), about 25xp and 2 reputation. Quest
Terri Shopkeeper
(misc. Items)
Sells a variety of uninteresting Items. Buys loot for the normal price. exorbitant
Matt Shopkeeper
Sells basic armour. exorbitant
Tina Shopkeeper
Matt's wife sells basic weapons and will aslo buy loot. exorbitant
Ether Priest offers no services but will talk about the village and the Tower of Magi. She will also give you a quest to find potion ingredients for which she rewards you very well. Quest
Bertraud Townsman A rather shady character hiding behind the church.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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The Silos

There are 2 Silos in th NW corner of the town. In the northern one are many sacks of meal which you can steal. The southern silo is infested by 3 Vapour Rats, which do not seem to have contaminated the bags of meal you can find there together with an emerald an a few other useful items.

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Ether's Quests

The first time she wants some Energetic Herbs, Reward: Healing Elixir plus about 12 xp; the second time Spiritual Herbs, Reward: Acid Spray Scroll plus about 20 xp; third time Greymould, Reward: 1 Cave Lore for the first member of your party plus around 20 xp; next time Mandrake, Reward: 1 First Aid for the first member of your party plus around 20 xp.

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When Edlin has told you that Bertraud stole a Platinum Brooch, he will deny that he stole it but is willing to sell it to you for 100 coins.

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Job Board

There is neither a Job Board nor any secret doors in this town.