Avernum Escape from the Pit Bargha The Abyss

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Pylon, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Bargha Cellars Bargha Bargha Attic
Cellars Bargha Attic
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General Hints

This fort guards the northen end of the Abyss against the giants. Here you can complete X's quest to find the library, learn about the Scimitar and get some missions. The people here have enough problems with the giants to worry about a few "voles". Although they have also been banished to the Abyss, the people here are much more friendly than the inhabitants of Spire.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Bela Gatekeeper He will open the gate if you ask him. You cannot open the gate yourself to get out.
Molly Child This little girl is frightend – of the giants and of you.
Calder Innkeeper He will tell you how to find the Scimtar.
Cynthia Sage Runs the library, such as it is. She tells you a bit about Pyrog and that she used to identify items, but adventurers are much better trained these days, thus making this service redundant.
Marlowe Shopkeeper
Abusive and exorbitant. exorbitant
Johnston Shopkeeper
Sells good bows and will tell you about the Scimiter (as if you did not already know!) expensive
Prynne Healer Just a healer and will sell you various healing potions and scrolls. utterly
Cababero Priest A rather rebellious priest who does his best to help the people in Bargha; hints that there might be a way out to the east.
Maher Mayor His office is on the first floor. If you visit him there he will tell you that he has a lot of trouble with the giants to the east and will ask you to kill as many of them as you can, but does not reward you. So I do not count this as a quest. There is however a quest from Kyass involving this mayor, but this is described on another page.
Ethridge Trainer As well as offering training, Ethridge gives you a qest to kill some shades to the west. exorbitant, Quest
Cleese Scimitar Guards the entrance to the Scimitar hideout. He tells you to to destroy the Empire's communication orb in the Gremlin Cave. Quest
Rogow Scimitar She gives you the quest to find the exit to the surface. Quest
Vennel Prisoner Tells you a bit about the Empire Communication Orb, which is rather useless because you cannot get here until you have already destroyed it!

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles. Some of the corpses lying outside the walls to the east have a few saleable items. Most of the corpses in the morturay in the SE of the town will make you ill. The one in the NW has a pouch with 90 coins and you do not get poisoned.

There are two storage areas in the cellars. The main one is directly accessible from a staircase in the NE of the shopping complex in the north of the town. Here is noboby who can watch, so you can take everything worth having. The second storage area can only be reached by the secret passages leading to the Scimitar hideout. If you want to loot it you should do so before opening the door to Cleese.

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The Scimitar

Several people (Royce in Blosk for instance) have already told you about the Scimitar and that you should talk to Calder. He tells you about a secret passage to their hideout and gives you the password for it. When you get downstairs you will meet Cleese who gives you the quest to destroy the orb that Empire soldiers in Avernum are using to communicate with the surface. The orb is located in the Gremlin Cave in the soutwest corner of the Scree Pits east of Fort Spire.

When you get back after destroying the orb Cleese will reward you with 1 reputation but no experience and let you join the Scimitar. If you accept he will give you the password "Icarus" and tell you to talk to Rogow.

She gives you a lot of information about the exit to the Surface. It is located near the Tower of Sulfras, to whom you should talk. She also tells you that you need a four part password, about which Erika can tell you.

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Ethridge's Ghosts

The spirits that are haunting Ethridge are on the north wall of the cave to the west of the town. There are 4 Vengeful Shades, 4 Banshees and a Slith Avatar. When you report back to the trainer after eliminating these ghosts she will reward you with a Lightstep Band and around 40xp.

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Treasure and Hidden Passages

Throughout the Scimitar hideout are lots of items lying around which you can take and sell. Since money is so short in this game, this is very welcome.

To the south of the hideout there are some prison cells. In the SE corner of the cell block is a passage which leads to a bridge across an underground river. On the other bank you get warned that there are "Unsecured Guards" which turn out to be two Crocolisks, two Cryodrakes and two Guard Basilisks. Having disposed of them you can proceed to the east and find a secret door which leads to the door of a storeroom. To the south and round the corner you will find two chests guarded by four Guardian Hellhounds. One of these chests contains lots of coins and some other nice things like Fine Razordiscs and the other is filled with grisly trophies: the skull of each Empire officer the Scimitar have killed!

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In the NW corner of the central block of buildings is a locked door (TU 5) leading to a staircase to the pylon.

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Secret Doors

There are lots of secret buttons in this town, some of them redundant and one even useless.

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Exit/Entry in the East

Cababero has hinted that there is a way out to the east. If you try to open the gates with the wheel you will upset the guards. There is however a series of hidden doors which allow you to leave and enter the town in the east

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Reaching the Scimitar

There are two routes to the Scimitar hideout but only one for the return.

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Buttons in the Cellar

There are some further buttons in the cellars.

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Job Board

There is no Job Board in this town.