Avernum Escape from the Pit Lair of Khoth Northern Waters

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Lair of Khoth
Lair of Khoth
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General Hints

As you approach Khoth's Lair you meet some shades. If you choose to talk to them they will tell you that you will be tested before being allowed to meet the mighty dragon. You can however attack them, which gives you a few points experience but does not seem to have any detrimental effects. In any case, when you get through the front door you find two Ironwarded Golems, a Runewarded and a normal Golem. In the NE corner of the entry cavern is a secret door which leads into Khoth's Lair.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Ghost undead There are lots of ghosts wandering around serving the dragon. You can talk to them but they give you no useful information.
Khoth Dragon He gives you lots of information and is willing to help you if you recover a stolen scroll (Reward: around 30xp, he will then teach you a ritual you need to get past some wards he has placed on the way to the Royal Spire and will now teach you some spells). Quest

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The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

Other than the ghosts, who do not have any useful information, the only character to be talked to here is Khoth himself. His throne is in the NW of his magnificent halls. Since he has so much information, I have seperated the various topics under different headings.

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History of Priests in Avernum

You can find the scroll Claudette in Formello wants is in the library (in the NE). It is on the pedestal in the NE corner near the spiral runes.

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He does not have part of the password to the surface and suggests you try Athron.

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History of Dragons

Khoth is very angry that the Empire has stolen an important and valuable scroll from him. Although he found an Empire Fort, which he destroyed, he has still not recovered it. If you search this fort you will find a hint about the present whereabouts of the scroll.

When you have got the scroll Khoth tells you to put it on the pedestal with the others. After you have done this he will teach you a ritual which will get you past the Barrier Tower. He will now also teach you some spells.

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The Learning of Khoth

The whole of Khoth's Lair is one great library full of books and scrolls. There is however nothing to pick up and there are only two interesting rooms. The library in the NE contains the scroll which Claudette wants. You can read it and memorise the most important parts which you relay to Claudette.

In the south wall of this library is a hidden passage to a storeroom with some chests containing a few items which you could steal. In the NW corner of this storeroom is a hidden room with a chest containing some coins and a Lemonwood Bow. In the NE corner is a further hidden room with a tome that teaches Dispel Barriers L3.

There is also a library in the southwest with two prisoners bound by magical runes. In the SE corner of this room is a secret passage leading to a chamber with tome on a pedestal which gives you about 30xp if you read it.

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Secret Doors