The Castle Great Cave

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List of all towns and shops in Avernum

The Castle
The Castle
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General Hints

The Castle is the administrative centre of Avernum and the residence of King Micah. It is very large, with lots of rooms and a large garrison.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Fred Baby Lizard There is a "large, torpid, pudgy" iguana named Fred prowling around the halls. It is apparently somebody's pet, but is not very communicative.
Lorraine Mapmaker She is usually wandering around the entrance hall. She will give you the quest to find Harston (Reward: 20 xp, 1 rep.) and will also tell you that the Orb of Thralni has been stolen from inside the Castle. She thinks it is now in a mage fort southwest of Fort Remote. Quest
Ackroyd Quartermaster He is moving Barrels around in the storage area to the west of the entrance hall. He will tell you that you can rest in the Guest Quarters (just north of the temple) and that you could leave surplace items in a storage room just to the south.
Radner Court Recorder She is the person you must speak to to get Magi or Crown clearance. If you have the necessary Reputation (32 for Magi and 50 for Crown) you can fill in the forms and she will give you the clearance. She will also ask you to get all the Empire Records you can for her, for which she pays 20 coins and 5 xp apiece. Quest
Kristen Priestess Sells some slightly expensive intermediate spells (Sanctuary, Divine Fire, Control Foes, Cloud of Blades and Return Life) and offers Healing very cheaply. slightly expensive
very reasonable
Curtin Mage Tells you a bit about the portal in the Tower of Magi and gives you the coordinates of the Castle. He also tells you where to find the code for Erika's Tower. [Magi clearance is needed]
Rone Mage The door to his room in the Mage Chambers is locked. He seems rather absent-minded, but will tell you how to get the Demonslayer if King Micah has given you permission to get it. He also tells you that the Blessed Athame can be used to get past Guardian Runes. [Magi clearance is needed]
Micah King His majesty will ask you to slay Garzahd. [Crown clearance is needed] Quest
Lithgow Treasurer Gives you an allowance of 25 coins. [Crown clearance is needed]
Levitt Prisoner Gives you some useful information if you press him

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. Except for the Treasury there are no hidden rooms, traps or puzzles here. In one of the storage rooms to the west are a few items (e.g. an Energy Potion, a Beautiful Fur etc.) in the crates. They can be pushed into the other storage room if you think them worth stealing.

The Council Chamber just south of the entrance hall has not been used much recently. There is a report by Curtin on one of the bookshelves and a Gold Ring in the desk.

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Prison Cells

In the SW of the outer circle are some prison cells. The doors are naturally locked but you can open them with Unlock Doors L2. Only one of the cells is occupied. Levitt is a simple foot soldier. If you press him he will tell you about the Totem Tunnels (not by name) and that the commander there has a grey pass.

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The barracks are in the southeast corner. The locked weapon store has a few good items like Steel Chain Mail in the crates, if you feel like pushing them into the adjacent bedroom to steal them.

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Curtin is in the SW and Rone's room, which is locked, is in the northeast. Directly south of his room is a locked door behind a magical barrier. If you get past both of them you find an Ur-Basilisk which is guardíng nothing.

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The Royal Chambers

King Micah will give you the mission to slay Garzahd and will tell you where you can find out more about him (Solberg, Erika and Rone). When you have returned two Crystal Souls he will give you permission to fetch the Demonslayer.

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To the west of the Audience Room are the barracks for the royal Guard and Lithgow the treasurer who will give you your allowance.

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The King's Private Rooms

In the SE corner of the Throne Room is a locked door leading to a short corridor. A further locked door in the west wall leads to King Micah's Chamber where there are two pedestals upon which some tablets are lying. They cannot be read until ???

Further south is the Treasury, which is guarded by a tripple magical barrier, quickfire and three ur-basilisks. If you manage to get past these hinderences you can rob the Treasury (Blessed Plate Mail, 3 X 1000 coins ). When you try to get out you find a new barrier, which can be dispelled, but the door is now locked and needs Unlock Doors L3 to get it open!

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There is no inn in this town but you can rest in a room to the north of the temple.

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Just outside the Castle is a group of wrestles, who will challenge you to a brawl. You can only win if you are very strong. The reward is a Mage's Bracelet.