Avernum Escape from the Pit Royal Spire Northern Waters

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The Royal Spire
(Castle Hawthorne)
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General Hints

This one is relatively straight forward: fight your way to Hawthorne, kill him and fight your way out.

When you get teleported into the Royal Spire go east. If you go west you will be overwelmed by Empire troops and die.

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Keep to the corridor, which winds round in an anticlockwise spiral to Hawthorne's Throne Room. There is little worth taking in any of the side rooms. You could in any case have no use for anything at this stage in the game. You could look into Garzahd's private chambers to the SE but that does not bring you anything.

You should have the best ward and cloak from the previous dungeons. I stay in combat mode for most of the time. The Royal Guards are tough and Empire Dervishes even tougher but concentrate on the mages, who should always be eliminated first. There are lots of Royal Guards and various mages on the way.

Make your way round anticlockwise ignoring the side rooms. (The large room directly south of the E-W corridor in the north is a torture chamber – gruesome but nothing useful for you!) Just continue until you reach the dining hall where Garzahd is waiting for you. After killing everybody else in the room he says that it is perhaps time for a change and disappears so that you can pass on unhindered.

When you reach the throne room you find Emperor Hawthorne alone. After a fruitless attempt at bargaining he calls up four Royal Golem Sentinals. The fight you get into now is tough. Hawthorne has an impenetrable shield surrounding him, so concentrate on the golems and the reinforcments that appear. Each time the golems have taken too much punishment Hawtorne rejuvinates them, thereby weakening himself. Keep up the attacks on everything in sight until Hawthorne completely looses his protection. Then he is open to any attack, even a Crude Dagger wielded by a mage! When he dies his sentinals fade away but you must dispose of the remaining human opponents before leaving battle mode and using the portal to the south.

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Secret Doors

There are no hidden rooms in this building.