Avernum Escape from the Pit Fort Remote Great Cave

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Fort Remote Fort Remote (ruined)
Fort Remote The Ruins
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General Hints

A small sleepy fort on the outskirts of Avernum. There is not much to do and nothing ever happens here. Until …

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Tesik Ward Tells you that he is in charge here. If you are persistant he will give you some information about the Chasam Drake to the west. Otherwise he lets you know how boring life here is – nothing much happens. He is going to get a surprise later, but that is not your problem.
Bronwen Captain She is the captain of the guard and like everybody here is bored stiff. She will give you a quest to kill some fire lizards to the west (Reward: 250 coins, about 30xp, 3 bottles of Ale and one of Almarian Wine). Quest
Belinda Cook She also tells you that nothing has ever happens here and never will. Her hobby is Mick who is a soldier out to the west.
Mick Soldier He is tormented by Belinda, but tells you that he has heard that there is a dragon out to the West.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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There are quite a lot of nice items in the chests and barrels, but I have found no way of stealing them because there are so many guards around.

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The Attack

When you return here after being told by King Micah about the attack, you find the place in ruins. Before you approach the circle of runes it is better to enter combat mode and prepare for a battle because Grah-Hoth appears and tells you that he can act even from within his prison and that, since you have killed his faithful servant Sss-Thsss, you will have to die. Whichever resopnse you choose, you will be involved in a battle with the demon Bhalor and 8 Slavering Imps which appear from all directions. The image of Grah-Hoth himself disappears however. You must await the pleasure of killing him!

After killing the monsters report back to Micah and he will give you the mission to kill Grah-Hoth.

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Job Board

There is neither a Job Board nor any hidden doors in this town.