Avernum Escape from the Pit Hidden Island Tower Northern Waters

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes, Job Board
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Hidden Island Tower
Hidden Island Tower
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General Hints

When you finally find the secret passage on the Island in the Northern Waters, you find a magical barrier which will certainly kill you if you walk through it. What you need is enlightenment!

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Gilbert Soldier He is camping outside the apparently impregnable tower. If you talk to him he will cause a door to appear.
Aydin Sage If you agree to help stike a blow against the Empire he will tell you about teleporter augmentation. He also gives you important information about the empire teleporter and how to reach it. He will give you two "Quests": 1. Learn the Tower Ritual from Khoth; 2. Find the Royal Seal. Quest
Josie Witch You must talk to Aydin's wife, because she will teach you how to get back through the blue field in the hidden passage leading to the tower.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles. Here it is particularly important to explore the grounds around the tower before trying to enter it. There are for instance lots of potion ingerdients like Greymould lying around. There is also a storage heap containing some bags of meal in a cranny just to the NE of the building.

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To the north is a library. In one desk is a note about Doomguards (which I have not encountered in this game). The other one contains some coins and a scroll which you can steal if you are lucky. To the south is the kitchen. Josie (who looks like an old hag) is walking around.

In the NE arm of the kitchen are two doors in the north wall. The west one leads to a bedroom containing nothing spectacular. The east one is locked and cannot be opened.

In the cattle pen you could pick up some mushrooms. More important is a secret door in the NW corner leading to a desk and a barrier. Dispelling the barrier brings you to a tome which teaches Shadow Blink L3.

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Secret Doors
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Job Board

There is no Job Board in this "town".