Homepage of Matthias Ludewig


WS 2023/24

Vorlesung "Charakteristische Klassen und Indextheorie" (WS 2023/24).

Seminar "Morse Theory" (WS 2023/24).

Seminar "Functorial Field Theory" (WS 2023/24): Link

SS 2023

Vorlesung "Differential Geometry II / Index Theory" (SS 2023).

WS 2022/23

Vorlesung "Differential Geometry I" (WS 2022/23).

WS 2021/22

Vorlesung "Analysis III für Physiker" (WS 2021/22).

WS 2020/21

Seminar "Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations" (WS2020/21).

SS 2020

Lecture "C*-Algebras and K-Theory" (SS2020): Link