Seminar: Functorial field theory, WS 2023/24

Organizers: Matthias Ludewig, Bernd Ammann

The seminar plan can be found here.

The seminar will start on October 24, 2023, which is in the second week of the lecture period. The seminar was announced as "Seminar on Advanced Geometry" in the KVV.

The organizational meeting took place on Thursday, 14.09., 10:15 in M102. Some of the talks were already attributed. Additional students interested in the seminar are asked to contact Matthias Ludewig by email as soon as possible.

Talk distribution

  1. Jun Xu
  2. Roman Schießel
  3. Guadalupe Castillo Solano
  4. Matthias Ludewig
  5. Julian Seipel
  6. Jonathan Glöckle
  7. Raphael Schmidpeter
  8. Matthias Ludewig
  9. TBD
  10. TBD
  11. TBD
  12. TBD