Homepage of Matthias Ludewig


You can check out my profile on Google Scholar and my articles on the arxiv and on MathSciNet.


arXiv A representation of the string 2-group, with P. Kristel and K. Waldorf.
arXiv Quantization of conductance and the coarse cohomology of partitions, with G. C. Thiang.
arXiv The spinor bundle on loop space.
arXiv Lie 2-groups from loop group extensions, with K. Waldorf.
arXiv Categories of Lagrangian correspondences and fermionic functorial field theory.
arXiv The stringor bundle, with P. Kristel and K. Waldorf.
arXiv The insidious bicategory of algebra bundles, with P. Kristel and K. Waldorf.
arXiv The Clifford algebra bundle on loop space.
arXiv Breaking symmetries for equivariant coarse homology theories, with U. Bunke.
arXiv 2-vector bundles, with Peter Kristel and Konrad Waldorf.

Journal articles

arXiv Journal A Short Proof of the Localization Formula for the Loop Space Chern Character of Spin Manifolds, with Z. Yi.
J. Noncommutative Geom. 17(1):189-210, 2023.
arXiv Journal Cobordism invariance of topological edge-following states, with G. C. Thiang.
Advances of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (ATMP) 26(3):673-710, 2022.
arXiv Journal The Fermionic integral on loop space and the Pfaffian line bundle, with F. Hanisch.
J. Math. Phys. 63, 123502, 2022
arXiv Journal Delocalized spectra of Landau operators on helical surfaces, with Y. Kubota and G. C. Thiang.
Comm. Math. Phys. 395:1211-1242, 2022
arXiv Journal Large-scale geometry obstructs localization, with G. C. Thiang.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 091902, 2022
arXiv Journal A Rigorous Construction of the Supersymmetric Path Integral Associated to a Compact Spin Manifold, with F. Hanisch.
Comm. Math. Phys. 391:1209-1239, 2022
arXiv Journal The Chern Character of theta-summable Fredholm Modules over dg Algebras and the Supersymmetric Path Integral, with B. Güneysu.
Adv. Math. 395, 2022, Paper No. 108143, 2022
arXiv Journal A framework for geometric field theories and their classification in dimension one, with A. Stoffel.
SIGMA 17, 2021
arXiv Journal Gaplessness of Landau Hamiltonians on hyperbolic half-planes via coarse geometry, with G. C. Thiang.
Comm. Math. Phys., 386, 2021
arXiv Journal Good Wannier bases in Hilbert modules associated to topological insulators, with G. C. Thiang.
J. Math. Phys., 61, 061902, 2020
arXiv Journal The Chiral Anomaly of the Free Fermion in Functorial Field Theory, with S. Roos.
Ann. Henri Poincare, 21:1191-1233, 2020
arXiv Journal Asymptotic eigenfunctions for Schrödinger operators on a vector bundle, with E. Rosenberger.
Rev. Math. Phys. 37(7), 2050020, 2020
arXiv Journal Strong short-time asymptotics and convolution approximation of the heat kernel.
Ann. Global Anal. Geom., 55(2):371-394, 2019
arXiv Journal The Trace and the Mass of subcritical GJMS Operators.
Differ. Geom. Appl., 56:95-109, 2018
arXiv Journal Heat kernel asymptotics, path integrals and infinite-dimensional determinants.
J. Geom. Phys., 131:66-88, 2018
arXiv Journal Asymptotic Expansions and Conformal Covariance of the Mass of Conformal Differential Operators.
Ann. Global Anal. and Geom., 52(3):237-268, 2016
arXiv Journal Path Integrals on Manifolds with Boundary.
Comm. in Math. Phys. 354(2):621-640, 2016
arXiv Journal A Semiclassical Heat Kernel Proof of the Poincare-Hopf Theorem.
Man. Math. 148:29-58, 2015
arXiv Journal Vector fields with a non-degenerate source.
J. Geom. Phys. 79:59-76, 2014

Book Chapters

arXiv Coarse geometry and its applications in solid state physics.
To appear in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2nd Edition
arXiv Book Construction of the supersymmetric path integral: A survey.
In: Differential Geometry in the Large, Ed. O. Dearricott, W. Tuschmann, Y. Nikolayevsky, T. Leistner, D. Crowley. Cambridge University Press, 2020
arXiv Book Heat Kernels as Path Integrals.
Part of the chapter Geometric analysis on singular spaces, with F. Bei, J. Brüning, B. Güneysu.
In: Space - time - matter, Ed. J. Brüning, M. Staudacher. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2018


Link Path Integrals on Manifolds with Boundary and their Asymptotic Expansions, 2016.

Lecture notes

Link C*-Algebras and K-Theory
Link More Differential Geometry -- Addendum zum Skript Differential Geometry von Christian Bär