Algebraic Number Theory II - Week 2

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Lecture notes.

Lecture 3: The functional equation

We introduce the classical theta function and deduce the analytic continuation and the functional equation of the Riemann zeta function from a functional equation of the theta function. We will prove the functional equation of the theta function in the next lecture. Please, read Chapter 2.2 'The functional equation' in the lecture notes. Additionally, the following video might be helpful.

Lecture 4: Fourier Theory

We prove the functional equation of the theta function using methods from Fourier Analysis. Please, read 'Chapter 2.3: Fourier Theory' in the lecture notes. Additionally, the following video might be helpful.

Exercise sheet 2

Exercise sheet 2.

Question hour

We will discuss the content of week 2 in the question hour (Wednesday, 28th of April, 8:30) via zoom.