Avernum Escape from the Pit Lost Bahssikava Spiders/Formello

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Lost Bahssikava Dungeon Deeper
Lost Bahssikava Dungeon Deeper
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General Hints

In this carefully hidden outpost are the remains of Bahssikava, which was a place of slith learning where the sliths still sudy the language of men, philosophy and many other mysteries. The sliths are not openly hostile and some are even friendly.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Sss-Kass Slith She is pondering the use of the small metal triangle that the sliths have recently found. She tells you bit about the Answering Stone and advises you to talk to their leader Sss-Voss. She also suggests that you could look in the “crawlspace” behind her hut for one of the triangles.
Sss-Voss Slith Leader Tells you about the expedition, Legare and the Answering Stone and gives you the quest to recover it; Reward: about 10xp and a powerful bow. Quest
Sss-Bahss Slith Priest Philosophises a bit about atonement.
Sss-Hass Slith Is mourning for his father who was in the expedition which tried to recover the Answering Stone.

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Except for the first triangle and a lot of morose Sliths there is not much in the village. So you go off in the only direction possible: to the caves in the northwest and soon find a secret door to the dark passages.

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The metal triagles

You need six metal triangles to be able to get through the gate on level 3. They are to be found in the following places:

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Level One

You start off by finding two Mutant Lizards in a pen. After dispatching them look for a secret button that opens the way east where you will be attacked by three Lava Lizards in front of you and three on ledges across a chasm. The latter can only be killed by ranged attacks. (Icy Rain is useful but Bolt of Fire is useless.) After that there are two secret buttons and lots of Lizards (Ice, Mutant and Lava) and even a Drake and a Basilisk. There is a bit of loot in their nests and even on the ground

After exploring and killing of these pests you can cross the river. To the west is a drake surrounded by various lizard which are guarding 4 Lovely Crystals. Then down the stairs in the SE corner to the second level.

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The second Level

I like to clear the dungeon of monsters first, starting in the NE sector. It is worth killing the arenea in the hidden area in the NE, although they do not drop anything and you cannot open the chest in the NE corner yet. There are however two scrolls in the white webs nearby.

Then off to the SW, where you can find a metal triangle in the secret room directly to the north and the secret button to the room with the slith corpses. The undead here (in particular the Tormented Shade, which drops a Silk-Woven Cord – a rather potent belt for mages worth 2500 coins) are rather difficult to kill. One of the bodies has a metal triangle. Now you can take the boat which is moored to a landing stage on the river.

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The River

There is a patch of healing herbs on an island slightly to the east of the middle of the level and aome spiritual herbs in small dead end sligthly north of this. Here is a secret button which opens a passage to a room with some undead. There is a bit of loot lying on the floor.

In the NW corner are two landing places. One leads upwards to the first level, where you find a corpse with a slith spear and a bronze shield and a Symbiotic Cloak – useful for magic casters, worth 2000. The second one leads down to the third level.

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Level 3

In the NE are a rather tough drake Cryossa Bluefang and some lizards. They drop some coins, a bronze halbard, a slith spear and Runed Greaves worth 2000 coins. There are various dragons and lizards on this level. They drop a bit of loot. Do not forget to look in the nests.

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The Temple Complex

In the SW corner of this level are some ruins guarded by various lizards. In the SE of this area is a locked room with two Infernal Sentinals aud a long row of magic barriers. behind which is tome that teaches Heartshock (Howl of Terror) L3. In the NW of the area is an empty room with a hidden passage in the NW corner leading to a chest with 5 emeralds.

The temple is the extreme SW corner is locked. You find it empty and on the altar are three metal triangles. As soon as you take them two Slith Avatars appear.

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Before you can complete the quest you must speak to Legare. Right in the middle of this level is a hidden door near the SW corner of a passage. This leads back up to the river arm which was blocked by rocks on the 2nd level. Legare is camping here. He will tell you about the failed expedition and will teach you a ritual you will need to get the Answering Stone.

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The Gates

Once you have the six triangles and learned the chant from Legare you can go off to the gates in the SE corner of the 3rd level. The six triangles open the gate, but as soon as you step into the room 4 Slith Avatars appear. While you are fighting them a Haakai comes up from behind. These monsters drop a bit of loot including a Mauler's Band (worth 3000 coins). All the sarcophagi are empty. The gates to the east are locked closed and you get a message to the effect that they will remain so (at least for the progeny of Thsss).

There is however a secret passage in the west wall of the crypt. Using Legare's ritual you can locate the Answering Stone. Among the moutains of junk there is also an emerald.

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Go back to Sss-Voss and give her the Answering Stone. You get about 10xp and she will tell you that your reward is in a chest on the 2nd level. So now back down to NE of the second level. If you have not already cleared the araneae you must do so now. When you finally get there you find you can now open the chest which contains the Bow of the Deep Woods (worth 2500 coins).

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Secret Doors

There are so many secret doors in this cave that I have orderd them by level

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On Level 1
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On Level 2
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On Level 3