Fort Ganrick Spiders/Formello

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

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General Hints

You have been sent to this little fort in the extreme north of Avernum to await further instuctions. You should speak to the commander of the fort Captain Vidican as soon as possible. Her office is in the north.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Ian Traveller
Another new arrival who is in the room next to yours. He does not have a lot to say and gives you no useful information.
Vidican Captain You should talk to the commander of this fort as soon as possible. She gives you the quest to slay the chieftain of the nearby Nephilim Castle (reward: 500 coins 3 rep. + 20 xp). She also tells you to pick up equipment in the storage rooms to the east. Her journal also makes some interesting reading. Quest
Gridley Quartermaster He tells you to see the captain about supplies. If you press him about "extra supplies" he will give you the mission to find a shipment of arrows which has gone astray. He thinks brigands stole them. Reward: 100 coins, 15 xp and 1 reputation. Quest

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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There are some food and other poor equipment in the guestroom in which you find yourself at the start. You can find some useful equipment in the three storage rooms to the east. To the north of these rooms is a further hidden room with some more supplies.

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You can rest in the guest room where you started. I also use this room during the first part of the game to store surplus equipment. Later on there are more convenient and central places like Silvar or the Castle, which can be used for storage. Where you keep items you do not want to sell, is up to you, but you must remember where you have left the things

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Hidden and Locked Rooms

The only hidden room is in the NE and is mentioned above. The captain's bedroom is locked and does not contain anything worth taking.

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The Nephil Attack

Soon after you arrive Nephilim break into the fort. So be prepared! Talk to Vidican and pick up as much equipment as you can find and wait for the attack. When you have killed the infiltrators you can pick up some better equipment. The leader of the assault also drops a scroll which you will need to read if you want to get into the Nephilim Castle via the rear entrance.

In this fight it is not only important that all your party members but also Gridley and Vidican survive. If either gets killed, you will not be able pick up your reward for completing their quests. So after the Nephalim raiders have been disposed of, check that both of them are still living and if not back up to a previous version. Watch out particularly for Grindley. He is not very tough but is very keen to join in the fight.