Fort Draco Spiders/Formello

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List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Fort Draco Cellars
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General Hints

This is the centre of mining activities in Avernum. There are a lot of people to talk to

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Cheryl Shopkeeper
(misc. Items)
The only interesting item Cheryl offers is a set of lockpicks. She also warns you not to look behind her shop, which is an invitation to do exactly this. slightly
Orson Shopkeeper
He sells rather basic weapons slightly
Esther Shopkeeper
Sells some basic armour slightly
Boris Trainer Just training Anford Mage This mage is standing in the NW of the town staring out over the river. It turns out that he is the commander of this fort. He will give you the mission to eradicate some bandits who are raiding near Fort Draco (reward: 150 gold 15xp 1 reputation). Quest Boutell Shopkeeper
(Weapons) Probably because he is the best weaponmaker in Avernum, Boutell's stocks are very low and he can only offer some basic weapons. slightly
expensive Della Assistant Moans about the lack of ore Kellia Forewoman She is in charge of the foundry and will ask you to find iron bars for which she pays 25 coins. Quest Kev Child He is sweeping the floor in the ore storage rooms and tells you that he has heard rats scraping around. Tess Shipwright She is the only boatmaker on the river in the northeast of Avernum and will sell you a boat 300 Harg Guest This morose man is trying to drown his troubles in drink. If you press him he will ask you to deliver a marriage proposal to Rose in Formello. Quest Crisper Innkeeper He moans about spiders but will let you have a room for 5 coins and sells rations. expensive

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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Miscellaneous Items

There are some rats outside the walls in the south which only give up a poor fur.

In the ore storage in the centre of the town is a locked room with crates with ore in them which you can steal. In the main storage room there is also some ore to steal. In both cases you should close the doors and make sure that no guards or Kev can see you.

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There is an inn run by Crisper. Rooms here are cheap (5 coins).

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The Cellars

There are three entrances to the cellars below Fort Draco:

Which one you take first is up to you. If you clear out the rats first you have an escape route, which takes you outside the fort.

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The Rats

These are the rats that Kev has been hearing. There are rather a lot of them, including some vapour rats, which curse you. They are a bit difficult for a low level party, so you should be fully rested before fighting them. There is a hidden door to the barracks in the SW of this cave and an exit to the outside in the NE.

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Brigand Barracks

If you come in this way you will be greated by an apprentice mage and some brigands. They drop a few usefull items and a Shield Ring. In the bookcase to the SE is a scroll which teaches Bolt of Fire L2. Continuing on to the west and then north you come to the meeting room where the brigand chief is sitting with some of his cronies. To the south of this room are their sleeping quarters. In the chest in the SW corner is you can find some records which explain how they have been able to operate without being detected.

To the east of the meeting room is the chief's bedroom to the north of which is a hidden door to a passage with two traps (L4) leading to two chests with 73 coins and a scroll: Create Illusions. In the north is a locked door which needs Unlock Doors L2 opening onto a storeroom with two Giant Spiders. The crates and barrels do not contain much of interest. To the NW is a passage leading to the brigand's warehouse.

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Hidden Warehouse

If you go down the trapdoor Cheryl warned you not to search for, you come to a warehouse guarded by some brigands who drop a few useful items. The crates in this room hold the ore which Cheryl told you she had obtained quite legally.

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Harg's Marriage Propsal

When you deliver Harg's marriage propsal to Rose in Formello she will turn it down and make some scathing remarks about Harg. If you take her reply back to him he will be offended and you loose 1 reputation. So it is better not to take the quest or, if you talk to Harg and get the mission, not to complete it.