Avit Western Vahnatai Lands

Navigation: General Hints, Shops, People and Quests, Notes
List of all towns and shops in Avernum

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General Hints

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Bot Farmer he sells mushrooms and will sell you the information for 50 coins, that there is a magic scroll hidden behind his house in the SW. He also tells you that Tekora-Tel is the leader of the village. slightly
Aif Vahnatai He is sitting with three other Vahnatai by a campfire and is just listening.
Keripa Vahnatai He is another of the group by the campfire but is not very friendly. he tells you to talk to Bon-Ihrno.
Stal Vahnatai A warrior in the group, tells you a bit about Chitarach and Hydras.
Azik Vahnatai The last of the Group by the campfire (at least if you talk to them in the order given here). Tells you a bit about Vahnatai warriors.
Tekora-Tell Mayor She is in the city hall to the northwest of the town and tells you to speak to Bon-Ihrno.
Iglit Ponder She tells you that you must pass some tests before you can face the Council and that you should speak to Forla-Te about the tests.
Bon-Ihrno Vahnatai explains about the Resting and tells you about the stolen Crystal Souls. He gives you a lot of information about the Vahnatai and why he arranged for you to visit them. He also tells you to perform the Ritual of Welcoming in the Chamber of Meditations and to present yourselves to the Council at Olgai so that you can be scried.
Sera Ponder He is Iglit's husband and looks after the Chamber of Meditations. He tells you how to perform the Ritual of Wecoming.
Forla-Te Commander If you tell her about the books you found in the Ruined River Fort you will get 10xp. You can ask her about your tests. If you have done the three extra services on your way through the Dark Waters (initiate the Awakening in the Coffin Caves, find the book of human magic in the Ruined River Fort and pay respects to Dahris_Bok) you will not have to perform any of the tests.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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There is no inn but you can rest in a room on one of the islands in the east near the middle of the town.