The Castle Great Cave

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The Castle
The Castle
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General Hints

The Castle is the administrative centre of Avernum which is ruled by King Micah who has his residence here. If you have a Royal Pass you will be granted an audience with his majesty.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Micah King You need a Royal Token to be able to talk to him. He will give you two quests: 1. kill the Slith Chief ‘Sss-Thsss’ and bring Micah his torc (reward: 1500 coins, 50xp and 2 reputation). 2. (after the destruction of Fort Remote) slay Grah-Hoth (reward: 1000 coins, Arcane Summon L3 and Divine Warrior L3). Quest
Houghton Captain He waffles about how good his defences are.
Josh Child Chatters away merrily.
Renee Quartermaster Lets you store excess items in the nearby storeroom and moans about Houghton:
Benth Priest Provides Healing (slightly expensive) and will buy Historical Scrolls for 25 coins. Quest
Rone Mage Rone is very absent minded (or perhaps senile). He will tell you to read his journal, after which he will give you information about Grath-Hoth and send you off to Patrick.
Chevyn Prince He asks you to find his lost ring. Quest

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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There is no inn here but you can rest in a room to the southeast of the Banquet Hall.

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Chevyn's Ring

This one is relatively easy: it is under the barrel in the SW cell in the prison block in the east of the castle.

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Soon after giving King Micah Sss-Thsss' torc, you will hear that Fort Remote has been attacked. He will ask you to invesigate and when you have done so and report back that it was Grah-Hoth, he will give you the mission to kill the demon lord. He will also tell you quite a lot about this demon and his prison Skarragath. The first step is to free him from his prison, but to be able to do this you need the Blessed Athame which is in the Tower of Magi.

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In the SW corner of the library is a door leading to the treasure chamber which is guarded by tripple barriers, some locked doors and three Ur-Basilisks. There are two chests. The one on the right is trapped and can be opened with enough competence in tool use. It contains some Boots of Speed. The lefthand box contains 5000 coins. If you take them nothing happens until you reach the "strange symbols on the wall", which you noticed on the way in. This sets off a trap which turns the town hostile. It is however possible to get past this trap by using the combat-mode trick used to get Motrax' treasure.