Lukas Krinner
Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Email: lukas.krinner"at"
About me
I am a second year PhD student at the university of Regensburg under the supervision of
Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz. I am an associated member of the
SFB 1085 - Higher Invariants funded by the DFG. Further I am supported by the
Studienstifung des deutschen Volkes.
My main interests lie in various aspects of algebraic geometry, including derived algebraic geometry and perverse sheaves. Currently I am thinking about pro-étale cohomology and adic formalisms.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Winter 24/25: Staatsexamenskurs Algebra
- Summer 24: Exercise class: "Kommutative Algebra"
- Winter 23/24: Exercise class: "Algebra"
- Summer 23: Exercise class: "Kommutative Algebra"
- Winter 22/23: Exercise class: "Algebra"
- Winter 21/22: Exercise class: "Algebra"
- Summer 21: Exercise class: "Lineare Algebra II"
- Winter 20/21: Exercise class: "Lineare Algebra I"
- Summer 20: Exercise class: "Lineare Algebra II"
- Winter 19/20: Exercise class: "Lineare Algebra I"
Short CV
Since 2023 | PhD student at the University of Regensburg |
2023 | Master of Science at the University of Regensburg |
2021 | Bachelor of Science at the University of Regensburg |
2018 | Abitur at Ludwigsgymnasium Straubing |
- Master's Thesis: "Adic Pro-étale Sheaves" (pdf)
- Bachelor's Thesis: "Die Stufe von Algebren über formal reellen
Körpern" (pdf)