water fall

Algebraic Groups, summer term 2020



Currently, all non-virtual teaching at the University of Regensburg is suspended: more information about dealing with 2019-nCoV at the University of Regensburg.
Details about the summer term 2020 and the exact organisation of this course will be announced on 15th April. Please stay safe and patient!

If you are interested in participating in this course (whenever/however it will be taught ...), please register on the GRIPS page.

Here you find some information on Weil restriction. If there are more questions on this subject, don't hesitate to ask during lecture.


The theory of algebraic groups plays a fundamental role in many areas of mathematics, such as algebraic number theory (module forms, automorphic forms...). In algebraic geometry they provide useful tools to study group actions and to form quotient spaces; for example they are used for the construction of various moduli spaces.

The goal of this course is to give an introduction in the theory of algebraic groups. We will use the modern approach of the functor of points. The only prerequisite is therefore commutative algebra. Some basic knowledge about algebraic geometry will also be helpful but not necessary.

An important result that we will discuss is the theorem of Chevalley, which states that an algebraic group can be see as an extension of an abelian variety by an affine algebraic group. Another topic is the classification of reductive algebraic groups by root systems and Dynkin diagrams.


In this course we will use a variation of the Moore method.
On the GRIPS page, the participants can access a latex template of our lecture notes. Here most of the proofs and examples are left blank with some hints.
Every week, the participants are asked to work through a part of the notes. During the lectures and exercise sessions we discuss problems and questions that come up and try to find solutions together.
The participants will acquire a good command of the topic by working through the notes and filling in the blanks.
The filled in lecture notes will be handed in every 2 or 3 weeks by email and checked. Every filled in place can receive 0, 1 or 2 points.

Ideally, by the end of the term every student has a complete set of lecture notes, written by him- or herself.

At a glance

Lectures Tuesday, Thursday, 14-16 ct
Start: 21st April 2020
Exercise sessions Thursday, 8-10 ct
discussion board on GRIPS
Lecture notes pdf - the tex-template will be uploaded on GRIPS
Help There will be a question and discussion board on GRIPS, as well as information concerning latex and zoom.
Turn in every other Thursday before 8 pm as pdf and tex to Veronika Ertl
next date: Thu 7th May
Studienleistung 50% of points on the completed lecture notes
Exam Oral exam, individual appointments
Registration FlexNow
Language English or German depending on the participants
Prerequisites Commutative algebra


Week 1      21/04/2020     
Discussion of the format
Overview of the subject
Week 2 28/04/2020
Affine schemes
General schemes
Week 3 04/05/2020
Projective space
Base change, Weil restriction
Week 4 11/05/2020
Weil restriction, flat maps
Faithfully flat descent
Week 5 18/05/2020
Grothendieck's generic freeness theorem
Week 6 25/05/2020
Chevalley's constructibility theorem
Week 7 -- 04/06/2020
Total tangent space
Week 8 08/06/2020
Euler sequence
Week 9 15/06/2020
Properties of morphisms
Properties of morphisms
Week 10 22/06/2020
Definition of group schemes
Lie algebra of a group scheme
Week 11 29/06/2020
Lie algebra of a group scheme
The identity component
Week 12 06/07/2020
Operations of group schemes
Week 13 13/07/2020
Orbits, fixed scheme
Affine group schemes, representations
Week 14 20/07/2020
Week 15 -
Week 16 03.08.2020
Chevalley's structure theorem
Chevalley's structure theorem