Watery Ruins Dark Waters

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Watery Ruins
Watery Ruins
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General Hints

If you want to get past the Ruined River Fort you must come here.

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There are lots of tiny islands here, that are a bit difficult to negotiate. In the north and centre are some hydras, one of which drops a lizard haunch. In the south is an island with two landing points both of which yield potion ingredients: to the east Spiritual and to the west Healing Herbs.

The most important island extends along the west side. You land at the south. There are two hydras here and four more in the north (if you have not already killed them with ranged attacks).

In the two crates to the south are some food and a few razor discs which you could use or sell later. In the NW corner are 2 Ambers, eight Hexagonal Bars and two lizard haunches. You will need at least one bar later, but since they are worth 75 coins apiece it is probably worth taking all of them. Although I do not usually pick up lizard haunches in these games because they are rather heavy, I take these haunches since rations can become a bit short at the end of the journey.