Test of Strength Western Vahnatai Lands

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Test of Strength
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General Hints

For this test either a warrior with some potions (strength, haste, healing) or a priest/warrior should be sent in.

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In the first chamber with lots of statues you will be attacked by 4 Chitrach Larvae. In the SE corner is a hidden passage leading to a crystal box containig some Razordiscs. To the south is a hidden room. When you approach the rune in the middle of this room, a ghoul appears on it.

To the north is a hidden door to a small antechamber leading to a pit with 4 Poison Fungi (rather tough). To the east is another hidden door to an antechamber this time leading to a chamber with a Ruby Skeleton standing on a raised platform. As there is no way onto the platform you will have to use ranged attacks: Bolt of Fire does not hurt it, Smite and arrows work, but Repel Spirit is best. You could of course run through without trying to kill it. If you do manage to dispose of this spirit you will see 8 rubies. Since there is no way of getting onto the platform you cannot pick them up.

In the middle of the easten wall is another hidden door to a passage leading east and then south. To the north is a hidden passage with a refreshing pool (15 spell and 5 health points). Going south you meet a Cave Slime. Round the corner to the W is a room containing 4 sarcophagi around which are some ghouls and skeletons. There is nothing in the sarcophagi. In the NW corner of this crypt is a passage leading to small hidden room with a hidden door in the north wall leading to a larger chamber with a pool in th SW corner. After killing the Viscous Goo you can drink from the pool which heals more powerfully than the one in the NE corner of the dungeon.

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Alternative Route

Instead of going east from the chamber with the raised platform in the NE you could search in the SE corner for a secret door to the chamber with the Viscous Goo and the healing pool. Then it is up to you if you go S and the E to the crypt or back into the Ruby Skeleton Chamber and then E, S and W to the cave slime and the undead in the crypt.

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The Way Out

Whichever way you take to get there, the exit is in the SE corner of the crypt. On completing the test you get 10 xp.