Avernum 2 | Ruined Town | Dark Waters |
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Ruined Town |
In the tunnel from Formello are three giant lizards in one cave and a hydra in another. When you come to the town you find it deserted. There is a landing stage with a boat to the south and some rather strange buildings in the north.
There are no people here to whom you could talk.
There is a secret passage in the NW leading to 6 Razor Discs, a new type of weapon.
If you explore the buildings in the northeast, a bit of the wall falls on you. There is however a hidden door in the northeast leading to a small chamber with two crystal boxes. The left one is empty and the right one will teach Cloud of Blades L3 but only if you have enough Vahnatai Lore, which you certainly do not have at the start of the game. So you will have to come back here later.
Now the only thing to do is to take the boat and explore further.