Fort Avernum Eastern Province

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List of all towns and shops in Avernum

Fort Avernum
Fort Avernum
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General Hints

You start off just after being teleported to Fort Avernum. Andrew ist standing at the bottom of the hill to greet you. He will tell you to see Tor and Thairl who have offices south of the Portal. Speak to them and explore a bit. Outside the walls in the SE corner are two cave rats which you can kill. Then pick up a pair of boots nearby. In the NW corner is a corpse with a wooden shield and another pair of boots. Look around the town talking to everyone who will talk to you. Pick up everything, that might be useful or can be sold. If something is marked as "not yours" do not worry: you can take it so long as no one is watching.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Andrew Welcome Andrew is standing at the foot of the hill where you arrive in Avernum. He will simply tell you to talk to Tor and Thairl. If you ask him about returning to the surface he wiil tell you that some one tried it once and that you should ask Acacia about it.
Tor Quartermaster He will give you some basic supplies (a bronze longsword, a healing potion and 200 coins).
Thairl Sage He will tell you about the Sliths, two towns (Duvno und Silvar) and the Government (King Micah and the Avernum Council).
Acacia Soldier She ia wandering around the dining hall and tells you that she is the captain of the guard. If you asked Andrew about using the portal to return to the surface she will tell you what happend to someboby who tried to do it.
Warrick Townswoman She is sitting at the long table in the dining hall and asks you to look for somebody called Anastasia (Reward: 20 xp and 1 reputation). Quest
Janice Storekeeper She is in a storerom to the south. She will tell you a bit about the Nephilim. There are some barrels and crates in this room. One barrel conntans a bar of iron and one of tin. Since Janice stays there you would have to push this barrel into a neaby room and close the door if you want to take them for selling.
Diane Townswoman Tor's wife is collecting mushrooms in the NW corner of the town. She will tell you a bit about the Abyss.
Dunbar Townsman He is the fix-it man in Fort Avernum and will tell you a bit about life down here.

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

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Resting and Character Storage

In the north there are 3 rooms to the east of the main path. In the northern two you can leave party members to be picked up later. The entrance to the southern room is from the south and you can rest here.

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The statue Nance in Cotra told you about is the nothern one on the east side of the town. There is a Mind Crystal hidden there that will train one member of the party in the ability Beast Call. You can find the crystal if Nance or Adam in Patrick's Tower has told you about it.

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Other Treasures

In the locked room in the SW corner is a tome which you can read if you have a combined rune reading skill of at least 30. It will teach you Smite L3:

There are some coins and a scroll Bolt of Fire in the eastern of the the two locked rooms.

In the small room in the barracks there is a trapped desk. If your tool use is high enough to disarm it you can steal 40 coins and an energy potion. (Do not forget to close the door beforehand, otherwise a guard will see you and you will make the town angry.)

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Anastasia can be found in Silvar, which you should visit soon anyway.

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The Storerooms in the southeast corner

Just south of the eastern gate is a locked storeroom with a few useful items (Poor Studded Armour, Historical Scroll – sell in the Castle for 25 coins, Fine Meal, Furs). To open the door you can buy some lockpicks from Jason in Fort Duvno.

In the passage slightly west of this storerom is the official storage area for the fort. The door to the eastern room is relatively easy to open. This room also contains a few things worth taking, including the only bag of sugar in the game. (Do not be fooled: there is a bag of sugar and a first aid kit both of which look the same.)

The western room needs Unlock Doors L3. There are 3 chests with a jug of wine, an ash bow and an ash crossbow. The southern one is trapped and contains a shield ring. Behind the barrier (Dispel Barrier L2) is an Intelligence Bracelet in the chest.