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Martin Belmont - June 2004 Martin Belmont

Martin Belmont’s CV reads like one of those extra big pages in one of Pete Frame’s “Rock Family Trees”. Beginning his career as lead guitarist of Ducks Deluxe, Martin quickly acquired a reputation as a fine guitar player during the pub rock scene of the early 70s, a scene that stressed a back to basic approach to rock’n’roll just before the punk rock explosion made it as a basic as it gets.  Martin was a co-founder of the Rumour with Brinsley Schwarz, formed originally to backup Graham Parker. The Rumour made six albums with Graham and three on their own. By all accounts of the time, Martin’s guitar solos were the bonus on top of the Rumour’s fantastically powerful live shows and Martin was in demand.  He was hired to play on Nick Lowe’s hit “Jesus of Cool” album and toured with Elvis Costello & The Attractions. Martin was also one of Carlene Carter’s CC Riders. Between 82 and 87, Martin was part of Nick Lowe’s Cowboy Outfit and was a fixture on all Nick’s output and gigs of that period.  Since 1987, Martin has been a cornerstone of Hank Wangford’s Lost Cowboys.

We’ve known Martin for a long time, and are really pleased to present this interview with Martin, which took place in June 2004, West London.

So Martin, where did the whole guitar thing start for you?

Well, pop music for me started with Elvis. With him it was just the pure excitement of rock’n’roll, it wasn’t so much about the guitar. The first time I really noticed the guitar was with the Shadows and Hank Marvin. It just looked so cool, there was the Strat and, of course, there was that sound. Hank for me was just the first person I’d seen that made the guitar look great. Then of course it was the Beatles, and the Stones, and all the way through that ‘60s thing.

So what was it that actually made you want to get up there and play yourself?

I can’t really remember to be perfectly honest.  Well, I suppose it was because it looked cool, people who played guitars always looked cool. It just looked better than playing the saxophone or whatever.

What I know now that I didn’t know then was that it is actually relatively easy to learn, and that’s definitely part of the attraction.  It doesn’t take anyone too long to get the basics, and if you have a connection with it it’s not too long before you can thrash out a song on it.  I think that’s why it really took off as the lead instrument when rock’n’roll came along, because they’re so easy to pick up, and they’re great for accompanying singing.

I think I was 13 when I got my first guitar, just a real cheap acoustic, and I remember it came as a real shock when I couldn’t play it instantly! You know, it hurt my fingers! So the fact that I couldn’t play Apache immediately came as a bit of a surprise. It looks easy when you watch someone play it.

So were you self-taught?

Yeah, I got myself a book of chords…

Bert Weedon’s Play in a Day?

No, but that was primarily because I was never a fan of Bert Weedon! Once I’d mastered some chords I started to buy Shadows sheet music and songbooks.  I couldn’t read the music, but they used to write out the rhythm guitar parts in a form of notation, which was great, because you could at least learn those parts.  After that of course, the Beatles and the Stones just changed everything for me.

I went to art school in 65, and art schools were just this hotbed for guitar players. There were people into the blues, and fingerpickers, and folkies. From the word go I was a huge Bob Dylan fan, still am to this day.

Martin Belmont - Fender Bass VI Which art school did you go to?

Bournemouth, just a little provincial art school really. I was there from 65 to 70.

Art schools bred an awful lot of guitar heroes didn’t they?

Yes, it’s unbelievable looking back how many there were. It was really down to the education system of the time as much as anything.  Once you got to 15/16 at your grammar school, and you weren’t either bright enough or interested enough to go to university, art school was for you.  Certainly if you didn’t want to go to work!  If you had even the vaguest artistic inclination you could get into art school, you didn’t even need to have passed your art O Level believe it or not. That was the great thing, you just had to prove you’d actually had an education!

So it was this great place where you met other people who didn’t want the standard work lifestyle, or were really creative. I mean, let’s go through the list – Pete Townshend, John Lennon, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, they were all art school people. It’s no coincidence that so many English musicians came out of art school – it was just a breeding ground for like-minded people interested in music or the arts or performing. 

Of course it was the 60s, and there was so much happening musically. It seemed there was something new every week.  I remember there were always visiting American folk or blues musicians, people like Jesse Fuller the one-man band.  He wrote “San Francisco Bay Blues”. You used to see people like that all the time.

They used to play Bournemouth, as did all the rock and blues bands of the time.  I saw Jimi Hendrix there, and Eric Clapton with John Mayall, and the original Fleetwood Mac band - there was just so much going on.

It’s difficult to see that melting pot happening again in quite that way isn’t it?

Well now you can just access everything instantly, you had to work a bit harder to get hold of things then.  You actually had to make the effort to go out and find records.  Apart from the Beatles being in the papers all the time, and a few TV shows like Top of the Pops and Ready Steady Go, there was very little music in the media. There was nothing like MTV or anything like that. 

So it wasn’t like today. You know, you want music? Turn on the TV, 24 hours a day, choose your format, go to the internet. Back then it was a lot more word of mouth. Someone would tell you there was some guy playing who knew the solo to “Wind Cries Mary” or whatever, so you’d go and check this guy out. Martin Belmont - acoustic

What were you playing then?

Well at art school I was mainly playing acoustic guitar. I was playing folk music, because I was going to a lot of folk clubs.  I had a 12 string acoustic at that point so I was learning a lot of that Leadbelly stuff, Dylan songs, that kind of thing.  I didn’t own an electric guitar until after I’d left art school and joined my first professional band in 1972.  I’d never really played the electric before that, which is bizarre really, because I just sort of made this quick decision to play one.

You really started coming to the fore in that pub rock scene of the early to mid 70s.  People tend to forget that that scene kickstarted some pretty major careers, not least Elvis Costello, who you’ve played with many times - did it feel like a scene at the time?

Yes it did, but it was a relatively small one. There were about half a dozen bands, maybe more, that played that London circuit in 73, 74. None of them really broke past the confines of that circuit, although surpisingly most of them got major record deals. I mean Ducks Deluxe signed with RCA!

But out of all those bands there were only two that really went on to make a mark beyond that little cult thing – Doctor Feelgood and Ace. Ace had that huge hit single “How Long”. That was Paul Carrack’s band, and I think it was almost their first release.  

But from all those bands, a lot of great people, as you say, came out of it. The second wave that followed was people like Elvis Costello and The Attractions, Graham Parker & The Rumour, Ian Dury & The Blockheads, Nick Lowe and Rockpile.  All of them in one way or another were part of those early pub rock bands.  A lot of people, myself included, learnt their chops in those initial bands.

It still seems like everyone from that era still enjoys playing together, why do you think that is?

I suppose that’s true in a way.  I used to play with Pete Thomas (Attractions Drummer) quite a lot until he moved to the States. Pete is a fantastic drummer.

It’s probably more to do with the fact that those people were your contemporaries really.  I was with Graham Parker & The Rumour from the beginning, which was late 75, until we broke up in 1981. Then I was with Carlene Carter and Nick Lowe right the way through to 87.  The people that were in Nick’s band and The Rumour were all people from that pub rock scene, we all had similar backgrounds and had all come up at about the same time. So yes, there was a lot of mixing going on.  Paul Carrack was in Nick’s band for a while, and Brinsley Schwarz, who’d been with Nick Lowe for a long time, was the other guitar player in The Rumour with me.

I think the first time I was really aware of the big Belmont sound was probably “I love the sound of breaking glass” by Nick Lowe.  Is that you on the big signature tremelo lick?

I think that’s Nick. Actually I’m not sure, maybe it was me. I was on a lot of the “Jesus of Cool” album. Thinking about it I think we’d better say yes, because I do still get the odd royalty from that song!  You have to forgive me, my memory’s not fantastic for a lot of things in that period (laughs).

Graham Parker & The Rumour The Rumour always seemed to be “on the cusp” of big things – you did a lot of big tours, why do you think it tailed off?

I don’t know, I suppose partly because we never really had a lot of hit singles. We also had a lot of problems with the record companies in the States, where we were pretty big for a time.  We did a lot of touring over there, some really back-breaking stuff. Elvis and The Attractions were our closest contemporaries, but Elvis had the knack of being able to write a hit single.  Graham’s songs were possibly never that instant on record.  We had a couple of hit singles, but the biggest one was a cover (The Tramps’ “Hold Back the Night”). We had a couple of other minor hits, but nothing like an “Oliver’s Army”.

Don’t get me wrong, we did good, particularly live.  There weren’t many bands that could stand up to us on a good night – we were awesome.

I’ve got a video of the very last gig we ever did, a thing in Germany called Rockpalast, in this huge hall in Essen. Probably about 8,000 people in there.  It was 1980, an all-night thing, and there were three bands on – us, a band with Jack Bruce and Billy Cobham, and the Police, who were headlining.  At that point they were probably one of the biggest bands in the world in terms of record sales. But we blew them away, they couldn’t live in our slipstream! We were that powerful as a live act.

Incidentally, we had Nick Hopkins (legendary session piano player for the Stones) playing the piano at that time.

One of my favourite Rumour moments is that Thin Lizzy Live & Dangerous album – “John Earle on saxophone”. 

Oh yeah, “Dancing in the Moonlight”.

Thin Lizzy 1976 Do you remember that tour?

Definitely, it was our first major tour of the UK in 76. We’d done a couple of smaller tours with Ace and Kokomo before that, but the Thin Lizzy support was our first really big tour.  We were on the same label, Phonogram.  They were great, and at their peak – “Jailbreak”  “Boys are Back in Town” all that stuff. 

Before that tour I didn’t really know much about them, I had them down as some vaguely heavy metal band.  But they were a  fantastic band, with great songs. We used to watch them every night from the side of the stage, and we all got on really well.  In fact, one of their guitarists, Brian Robertson, depped for Brinsley on one of our later European tours when Brinsley got ill.

We had great fun on that tour.

What was it like touring with the late, great Phil Lynott?

He was great, a really, really nice chap.  Fantastic performer of course.  I think we learnt a lot watching them.  We did an American tour with them later on as well. We did have one problem with them on that tour though.  In New York half the audience left we’d finished our set, which didn’t go down too well.  We were pretty hot in New York back then.  Lizzy were bigger in the Midwest. Like most new bands we were most successful on the East Coast and West Coast. It’s that great big bit in the middle that takes a long time to get through to!

You were also more or less an honorary Attraction for a while weren’t you?

Well I don’t know about that really. Certainly I’d known those guys for a long time. 

What happened was there was this European tour lined up and Steve Nieve (the Attractions keyboard player) got in a car wreck just before it kicked off. Rather than try to find another keyboard player, they decided to do the tour with another guitar player, and asked me to go along. 

A similar thing happened to them halfway through an American tour with Squeeze.  I can’t quite remember what the problem was, but I got flown out for that one too. 

I’ve also done a few recordings with them as well over the years.  I was certainly very close to them for a long time, and we all got on really well.  Elvis is a great bloke, he’s just a bit too talented!

Twang is a word that could have been coined especially for your sound, how would you describe your guitar style?

Well, it’s got more twangy over the years! If you’d said Country to me back in the mid-70s, I wouldn’t have had any real knowledge of it at all. I came from a typical background of rock’n’roll, The Beatles, and r’n’b. Playing with Graham it was very much a mix of Dylan, Van Morrison and rock styles. It wasn’t until I started playing with Nick Lowe that we first dipped our toes into the murky waters of country music. You soon find out of course, that it’s really not that different.  The good stuff is just the white man’s blues, y’know.

And of course you can track that straight to the early Elvis stuff…

Well absolutely, country meets r’n’b, and lo and behold, there’s rock’n’roll.  So yes I do love a big twang! I love that Duane Eddy sound, and I always liked Johnny Cash.

You played with Johnny Cash…

Yes I did, which was fantastic.  I was really into his signature lead guitar style, that dampened Luther Perkins “boom-chikka-boom” sound. 

I do spend a lot of time on the bass end of the guitar, that end is often neglected by guitar players. When it’s time to take a solo, most guitarists automatically get “up there” and start wailing.  I’ve always thought it’s great to go “down there” instead!  It’s as exciting, if not more so, than your typical solo style.

Do you play fingerstyle at all, or do you primarily use a pick?

I do play with my fingers sometimes, but I don’t really do fingerpicking as such.  I’ll often do a solo with my fingers, or thumb, or both.  I never used to, I’d never play without a pick, but that’s changed in recent years. You can get a slightly different feel and sound that way.  I’m no longer sent into a panic if I drop my pick in the middle of a solo, put it that way.

So yes, twang’s a good description, but I’ve got so many favourite guitar players that influence that.

Give us a few names…

People like Hubert Sumlin (Howlin’ Wolf’s guitar player), the master of straight ahead electric blues. I was also heavily influenced by Robbie Robertson and the stuff he did with The Band, that “underplayed” style. There’s George Harrison of course...

And there are other people I love that I can’t really emulate (wish I could).  I’m a huge fan of Ry Cooder - not just his slide playing, I can only play slide as an effect really, but also his straight playing.  I love everything about it. 

James Burton’s another.  I did a Gram Parsons tribute gig last year at the Union Chapel, I was in the house band, so I was listening to the solo albums a lot, and that’s James Burton on there. There’s some serious guitar playing on those albums, and it’s not at all easy to play!  All that fast chickenpickin’ stuff is a little bit scary...

I’ve always associated you with your old blue Strat from when I first saw you live…

Well I’m still using it…

Is it a 60’s Daphne Blue?

I think it’s a 63. The serial number’s an L with the 5 digits.  It was refinished a long time ago in supposedly the original Daphne Blue colour, but that’s faded massively now. It’s almost got a greenish hue to it. 

I bought that guitar in 1974.  I had a new Telecaster at the time which I part exchanged for the Strat plus about £300. 

To my everlasting regret, now that I know better, I removed the tremelo bridge and springs and replaced it with a fixed bridge. I used to break strings a lot then, and of course on the Strat tremelo setup all the other strings go out of tune.  Of course, that’s devalued the guitar by several thousand pounds. It’s still worth quite a lot, but it’s such a shame.  In fact I was talking to Brinsley on the phone the other day, and he thinks we could reinstate an original setup without too much hassle, all the original routing’s still there. 

Click the pictures below for more detail.

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    Martin’s 63 Strat

    That’s the irony of vintage guitars isn’t it?  Back in the 60s if you sent your guitar back to Fender for a repair or something, they’d think nothing of whacking the latest decal on there, because they wanted you to have the latest stuff, but of course they were ruining the future value of these things.  They weren’t meant to be collectables, or investments.  Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick tells a very good story about an experience he had like that with an original 54…

    Oh he’s a fantastic geezer Rick Nielsen, a brilliant player, but fantastic to watch as well.  We supported Cheap Trick once and we actually counted him using 14 guitars in the one set!  At one point he had three on at the same time.  He played a bit of the song on the first one, took it off, kept going on the next one, threw it off, then finished the song on the last one… 

    Tell me about your Fender Bass VI, it’s pretty rare to see anyone play one these days.

    Well, this is a 63.  I knew a little bit about the sound of a 6 string bass, from hearing it on country records. That sound is very common on late 50s, early 60s songs.  If you listen to Patsy Cline records, or “Return to Sender” by Elvis, those kind of things, you can hear this twangy bass backing. They used to get a regular upright bass and track it with a 6 string bass, dampened so you’d get that “click”.  They called it “Ticktack bass” in Nashville. 

    The way the 6 string is tuned is completely unlike a 6 string guitar which is E to E.  This is A to A, so it’s actually a baritone guitar in its range.

    It’s also used as a lead instrument, well that’s how I use it anyway.  You can play chords on it, and it’s just got that fantastic punch to it.

    Does it use regular strings?

    No, it has two standard guitar strings, which is tricky because they have to be the same length as a normal bass guitar. The only people who make them long enough are Rotosound. Then four very light gauge bass strings.

    It’s based on a Fender Jaguar body.  Because of the tuning you do have to think in a completely different way.  But when you put the tremelo bar on it you can get that very familiar sound straight away.

    I associate that sound with the Steve Earle “Guitar Town” album as well, but live he was using something else…

    A longhorn Danelectro, that’s right. But it doesn’t have the whammy bar, and I believe that one’s usually regular tuning.  The Fender’s more like a Cello to a Double Bass, if you know what I mean. That’s why I like it, it fits right in a sonic slot between the regular bass and regular guitar.

    What about amps? Do you have a different setup for the Bass VI?

    No, I use my regular setup.  For smaller gigs I use a Rickenbacker amp, which is one the very earliest solid state amps from the late 60s.  The good thing about that one is it’s quiet.  Playing with Hank you have to fit in with his acoustic guitars a lot, so you need that.

    My main amp is a Fender Deville, which is a fantastic amp and incredibly loud, very similar to the old Fender Bassman. It’s got four 10 inch speakers which I love. You generally just tweak the settings a bit for the Bass VI, back off the bass a bit, add a little top, but it’s not a big deal.

    You just don’t see the 6 string bass around much, if at all…

    Well, the story is I needed a new sound. We were doing an album with Hank, back in 1990/91, and I knew that Elvis Costello had one, a late 60s one, so I borrowed it from him for the sessions. I enjoyed the sound so much I just thought, I’ve got to have one.

    I’ve got a friend who’s a guitar collector who goes to the guitar shows in the States a lot, so I asked him to look out for one for me. This went on for a while, and would call back that they were always in bad nick, or too expensive. Ironically he found one in Newcastle in the end, one of those under the bed stories.

    It’s all original and in very good nick for its age. I think I paid £750 for it.  They’re obviously not as collectable as your Strats, because they’re so niche, but the sound is unique. If you really want that “big twang” they don’t come much bigger!

      Martin’s Bass VI

      Martin’s Bass VI

      Martin’s Bass VI

      Martin’s Bass VI


      I’m pretty much straight into the amp really.  I use a tremelo pedal, because my amps don’t have it, and I use a digital delay because I like that slapback echo. I used to have a tape echo, a Roland Chorus Echo, but that got stolen.  In an ideal world a tape echo is better, but live you can’t really tell.

      People seem to love an old guitar, and the vintage guitar market never really slows down – what’s the appeal?

      When you hear an old Strat, they do sound better.  I don’t know why, it’s not like they were all handbuilt.  But they do sound good.  And if you’re talking about the Strat it’s a work of art to look at and to listen to.

      Owning a vintage guitar’s like owning a painting, but with a guitar you can look at it, and you can play it too, and listen to it.  It’s funny, nowadays you can get an electric guitar in any shape, size or colour you like, sometimes with the most bizarre designs. But to me, nothing looks as good as a Stratocaster.  Even now, it still looks futuristic, it’s so perfectly designed. 

      I mean I’m a Fender man obviously, but I do appreciate other things too. On our last album with Hank I got to use this fabulous late 50’s Epiphone Casino, and those are just brilliant guitars. I used it a lot on that album.

      Don’t you think it’s ironic that this whole industry has sprung up out of the primary brands like Fender and Gibson, duplicating those golden period guitars? There’s obviously a real demand there…

      There is, absolutely.  Even with all the things people have tried with electric guitars – built-in effects, synths, speakers – its all just comes back to people having a good guitar and being able to play it.

      After so many trends, and so many obituaries quoting the death of the guitar, it’s still going strong, still being picked up by new generations, there’s still a lot of kids picking it up, connecting with it - why is that?

      I think that’s the beauty of guitars.  Even in this age of machines where you can just press buttons and make music, there’s something completely irresistible about guitars for an awful lot of people. They’re not too difficult to play, and they look great. 

      But it’s funny, even with a lot of these brand new bands, you look at them and you just know they want to be Keith Richards!  Nothing changes - you can look cool playing an electric guitar, there’s nothing cooler.

      Your gig rate is still unstoppable Martin, what’s your typical schedule at the moment?

      It varies, but on average I’m doing 2 or 3 gigs a week. It’s mostly weekends these days, which works out well because I’m doing a lot of teaching during the week.

      My main gig is with Hank Wangford & The Lost Cowboys and has been for many years now.  We recorded our latest album last year and I think it’s the best thing we’ve ever done, it’s got great reviews. Los Pistoleros

      I also play with Los Pistoleros, which is basically a bunch of people who’ve played with Hank over the years – BJ Cole the great pedal steel player, Bobby Valentino on fiddle, Kevin Foster on bass. That outfit’s a lot more Western Swing, bit jazzier maybe.

      I also play with a local band in a pub just up the road, doing R ‘n’ B and reggae, a whole bunch of stuff.

      BJ Cole’s played with everybody, right?

      Yeah definitely – The Verve and Richard Ashcroft, Sting, REM, John Cale, all sorts of people. He gets about and he’s very, very good.  Plus, there’s not an awful lot of pedal steel players in the UK.  There’s certainly not any who can play the whole range of styles BJ does. 

      What inspires you these days?

      Well, I’ve never been a “guitarist for hire” really, I only play what I like.  You won’t get me doing heavy metal or anything. If I don’t like it I’d rather not play, thank you very much.

      Anyone you’d really love to play with?

      What, you mean in my dreams? Well, Bob Dylan.  

      Even though you wouldn’t know what song was coming next and what key it would be in?

      Yeah, it wouldn’t worry me.  I could really do a job for Bob Dylan – I just think he’s the best. There’s very few newer artists I have any interest in playing with really.

      Finally, if you could only own one guitar, what would it be?

      It would have to be the Strat. Though I’ve always really wanted a Martin, and would get one with my next windfall, if I could only have one it’s the Strat for sure.

      Martin, it’s been a total pleasure, thanks for talking to us.

      Martin Belmont Discography

      Ducks Deluxe (RCA/Skydog)

      • Ducks Deluxe (1973)
      • Taxi to the Terminal Zone (1974)
      • EP Jumpin’ (1975)

      Graham Parker & The Rumour (Phonogram, Mercury, Arista and Stiff)

      • Howling Wind (1976)
      • Heat Treatment (1976)
      • Max (1977)
      • Stick to me (1977)
      • EP The Pink Parker (1977)
      • Parkerilla (Live) (1978)
      • Frogs, Sprogs, Clogs and Krauts (1978)
      • Squeezing Out Sparks (1979)
      • Live Sparks (1979)
      • The Up Escalator (1980)
      • Purity of Essence (1980)

      Nick Lowe (Stiff, Demon, F Beat, CBS and Warner Brothers)

      • Jesus of Cool (1978)
      • Nick the Knife (1981)
      • The Abominable Showman (1983)
      • The Cowboy Outfit (1984)
      • The Rose of England (1985)
      • Pinker and Prouder than Pervious (1987)

      Carlene Carter (Demon)

      • Carlene Carter (1978)
      • Blue Nun (1981)

      Hank Wangford (Rough Trade and Sincere Sounds)

      • Stormy Horizons (1990)
      • Hard Shoulder to Cry On (1993)
      • Wake Up Dead (1997)
      • EP Wild Atlantic Sea (2001)
      • Best Foot Forward (2003)

      Various Artists

      • Rockabilly Blues – Johnny Cash
      • Trust – Elvis Costello
      • Black and Dekker – Desmond Dekker
      • Rock and Roll Adult – Garland Jeffries
      • Oh How Happy – Carlene Carter and Paul Carrack
      • Suburban Voodoo – Paul Carrack
      • Riding with the King – John Hiatt
      • Workers Playtime – Billy Bragg
      • Friends on the Road – Bhundu Boys

      Solo (Demon Records)

      • Big Guitar (1995)

      Thanks to Martin for giving up some of his very valuable time to do this interview.  More about Hank Wangford & the Lost Cowboys at

      © Mondo Guitars Ltd 2004.

      [Back to The Rumour discography]