AVR221 - PID controller Documentation

Atmel AVR Application Note


This documents data structures, functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs in the software for application note AVR221.

Compilation Info

This software was written for the IAR Embedded Workbench 4.11A.

To make project:

  1. Add the file main.c and pid.c to project.
  2. Under processor configuration, select desired Atmel AVR device.
  3. Enable bit definitions in I/O include files
  4. High optimization on speed is recommended for best performance

Device Info

The included source code is written for all Atmel AVR devices.

ToDo List

Put in own code in: Get_Reference(void), Get_Measurement(void) and Set_Input(int16_t inputValue)

Specify the sampling interval time TIME_INTERVAL

Modify the K_P (P), K_I (I) and K_D (D) gain to adapt to your application

Generated on Mon Sep 17 09:08:11 2007 for AVR221 - PID controller by  doxygen 1.5.2