Column description: MarkerName: SNP identifier (format: ::_; with alleles in alphabetical order) Allele1: effect/coded allele Allele2: non effect/coded allele n: Sample size Freq1: Allele frequency of Allele1 Effect: Genetic effect of Allele1 StdErr: Strandard error of 'Effect' P-value: Association P-Value (2-sided) Direction: Direction of effect in UKB and CKDGen data mac: Minor allele count chr: Chromosome pos: Base position (b37) P.value.GC: Genomic control corrected P-Value StdErr.GC: Genomic control corrected standard error RSID: rs identified Please refer to Stanzick et al. 2021 for more details on the analyses. Contact if you have questions. 2021/06/16