Publications of Prof. Tilo Wettig (→ home page)
- Reconstructing Disease Histories in Huge Discrete State Spaces
Rudolf Schill, Maren Klever, Kevin Rupp, Y. Linda Hu, Andreas Lösch, Peter Georg, Simon Pfahler, Stefan Vocht, Stefan Hansch, Tilo Wettig, Lars Grasedyck, Rainer Spang
Künstl. Intell. (2024)- Modeling metastatic progression from cross-sectional cancer genomics data
Kevin Rupp, Andreas Lösch, Y. Linda Hu, Chenxi Nie, Rudolf Schill, Maren Klever, Simon Pfahler, Lars Grasedyck, Tilo Wettig, Niko Beerenwinkel, Rainer Spang
submitted to ISMB 2024- Combined track finding with GNN & CKF
Lukas Heinrich, Benjamin Huth, Andreas Salzburger, Tilo Wettig
arXiv:2401.16016 [hep-ex]- Provenance model for Lattice QCD
Tanja Auge, Gunnar Bali, Meike Klettke, Bertram Ludäscher, Wolfgang Söldner, Simon Weishäupl, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2023) 159- Gauge-equivariant multigrid neural networks
Daniel Knüttel, Christoph Lehner and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2023) 037- Taming numerical imprecision by adapting the KL divergence to negative probabilities
Simon Pfahler, Peter Georg, Rudolf Schill, Maren Klever, Lars Grasedyck, Rainer Spang, Tilo Wettig
Statistics and Computing 34 (2024) 168- Gauge-equivariant pooling layers for preconditioners in lattice QCD
Christoph Lehner and Tilo Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 034517- Provenance for Lattice QCD workflows
Tanja Auge, Gunnar Bali, Meike Klettke, Bertram Ludäscher, Wolfgang Söldner, Simon Weishäupl, Tilo Wettig
WWW '23 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the ACM WWW Conference (2023) 1524- Gauge-equivariant neural networks as preconditioners in lattice QCD
Christoph Lehner and Tilo Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 034503- Low-rank tensor methods for Markov chains with applications to tumor progression models
Peter Georg, Lars Grasedyck, Maren Klever, Rudolf Schill, Rainer Spang, Tilo Wettig
J. Math. Biol. 86 (2023) 7- MRHS multigrid solver for Wilson-clover fermions
Daniel Richtmann, Nils Meyer, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2022) 285- Approximation formula for complex spacing ratios in the Ginibre ensemble
Ioachim G. Dusa and Tilo Wettig
Phys. Rev. E 105 (2022) 044144- Differentiated uniformization: A new method for inferring Markov chains on combinatorial state spaces including stochastic epidemic models
Kevin Rupp, Rudolf Schill, Jonas Süskind, Peter Georg, Maren Klever, Andreas Lösch, Lars Grasedyck, Tilo Wettig, Rainer Spang
arxiv:2112.10971, to appear in Computational Statistics- Machine learning for surface prediction in ACTS
Benjamin Huth, Andreas Salzburger, Tilo Wettig
EPJ Web Conf. 251 (2021) 03053- Grid on QPACE 4
Peter Georg, Nils Meyer, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2021) 068- Complex spacing ratios of the non-Hermitian Dirac operator in universality classes AI† and AII†
Takuya Kanazawa and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2021) 571- New universality classes of the non-Hermitian Dirac operator in QCD-like theories
Takuya Kanazawa and Tilo Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 014509- ECM modeling and performance tuning of SpMV and Lattice QCD on A64FX
Christie L. Alappat, Nils Meyer, Jan Laukemann, Thomas Gruber, Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein, Tilo Wettig
Concurrency and Computation Pract Exper. (2021) e6512- Performance Modeling of Streaming Kernels and Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on A64FX
Christie L. Alappat, Jan Laukemann, Thomas Gruber, Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein, Nils Meyer, Tilo Wettig
2020 IEEE/ACM Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS) 1- Modelling cancer progression using Mutual Hazard Networks
R. Schill, S. Solbrig, T. Wettig, R. Spang
Bioinformatics 36 (2020) 241- DTD: An R Package for Digital Tissue Deconvolution
Marian Schön, Jakob Simeth, Paul Heinrich, Franziska Görtler, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig, Peter J. Oefner, Michael Altenbuchinger and Rainer Spang
J. Comp. Biology 27 (2020) 386- Loss-Function Learning for Digital Tissue Deconvolution
Franziska Görtler, Marian Schön, Jakob Simeth, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig, Peter J. Oefner, Rainer Spang and Michael Altenbuchinger
J. Comp. Biology 27 (2020) 342- Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture
Benjamin Huth, Nils Meyer, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2019) 017- Induced QCD II: Numerical results
Bastian Brandt, Robert Lohmayer, Tilo Wettig
JHEP 07 (2019) 043- Multigrid for Wilson Clover Fermions in Grid
Daniel Richtmann, Peter A. Boyle, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2018) 032- Lattice QCD on upcoming Arm architectures
Nils Meyer, Dirk Pleiter, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2018) 316- Dirac spectrum and chiral condensate for QCD at fixed θ-angle
M. Kieburg, J.J.M Verbaarschot, T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) 074515- SVE-enabling Lattice QCD Codes
Nils Meyer, Peter Georg, Dirk Pleiter, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) 623- Principles of Systems Biology, No. 31
Hyunghoon Cho et al.
Cell Systems 7 (2018) 133- Loss-function learning for digital tissue deconvolution
Franziska Görtler, Stefan Solbrig, Tilo Wettig, Peter J. Oefner, Rainer Spang, Michael Altenbuchinger
RECOMB (2018) 75- DD-αAMG on QPACE 3
Peter Georg, Daniel Richtmann, Tilo Wettig
EPJ Web of Conferences 175 (2018) 02007- Chiral condensate and Dirac spectrum of one- and two-flavor QCD at nonzero θ-angle
Mario Kieburg, Jacobus Verbaarschot, Tilo Wettig
EPJ Web of Conferences 175 (2018) 04004- Complete random matrix classification of SYK models with N=0, 1 and 2 supersymmetry
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig
JHEP 09 (2017) 050- Scale-invariant biomarker discovery in urine and plasma metabolite fingerprints
H.U. Zacharias, T. Rehberg, S. Mehrl, D. Richtmann, T. Wettig, P.J. Oefner, R. Spang, W. Gronwald, M. Altenbuchinger
J. Proteome Res. 16 (2017) 3596- pMR: A high-performance communication library
Peter Georg, Daniel Richtmann, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2016) 361- Induced QCD I: Theory
B. Brandt, R. Lohmayer, T. Wettig
JHEP 11 (2016) 087- Multiple right-hand-side setup for the DD-αAMG
Daniel Richtmann, Simon Heybrock, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2015) 035- Adaptive algebraic multigrid on SIMD architectures
Simon Heybrock, Matthias Rottmann, Peter Georg, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2015) 036- Induced YM theory with auxiliary bosons
Bastian Brandt, Robert Lohmayer, Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2015) 276- Dirac spectrum of one-flavor QCD at θ=0 and continuity of the chiral condensate
J.J.M. Verbaarschot, T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 116004- The Chiral Condensate of One-Flavor QCD and the Dirac Spectrum at θ=0
Jacobus Verbaarschot and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2014) 072- Induced QCD with two auxiliary bosonic fields
Bastian Brandt and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LATTICE2014) 037- Stressed Cooper pairing in QCD at high isospin density: effective Lagrangian and random matrix theory
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig
JHEP 10 (2014) 055- QPACE 2 and Domain Decomposition on the Intel Xeon Phi
Paul Arts, Jacques Bloch, Peter Georg, Benjamin Glaessle, Simon Heybrock, Yu Komatsubara, Robert Lohmayer, Simon Mages, Bernhard Mendl, Nils Meyer, Alessio Parcianello, Dirk Pleiter, Florian Rappl, Mauro Rossi, Stefan Solbrig, Giampietro Tecchiolli, Tilo Wettig, Gianpaolo Zanier
PoS (LATTICE2014) 021- Lattice QCD with Domain Decomposition on Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processors
Simon Heybrock, Balint Joo, Dhiraj Kalamkar, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan, Tilo Wettig, and Pradeep Dubey
SC '14 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, pages 69-80, IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA 2014- Banks-Casher-type relations for complex Dirac spectra
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, and Naoki Yamamoto
PoS (LAT2013) 193- Sign problem and subsets in one-dimensional QCD
Jacques Bloch, Falk Bruckmann, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2013) 194- Subset method for one-dimensional QCD
J. Bloch, F. Bruckmann, T. Wettig
JHEP 10 (2013) 140- iDataCool: HPC with Hot-Water Cooling and Energy Reuse
N. Meyer, M. Ries, S. Solbrig, T. Wettig
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7905 (2013) 383- Banks-Casher-type relation for the BCS gap at high density
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig, N. Yamamoto
Eur. Phys. J. A 49 (2013) 88- Singular values of the Dirac operator at nonzero density
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto
PoS (LAT2012) 087- Wigner surmise for mixed symmetry classes in random matrix theory
S. Schierenberg, F. Bruckmann, T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. E 85 (2012) 061130- Singular values of the Dirac operator in dense QCD-like theories
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig, N. Yamamoto
JHEP 12 (2011) 007- Lattice QCD Applications on QPACE
Y. Nakamura, A. Nobile, D. Pleiter, H. Simma, T. Streuer, T. Wettig, F. Winter
Procedia Computer Science 4 (2011) 841- Spins, Moleküle und Supercomputer (in German)
Christoph Strunk, Dieter Weiss, Jascha Repp, Andreas Schäfer, Thomas A. Niehaus und Tilo Wettig
Blick in die Wissenschaft 23 (2011) 28- The QCD sign problem and dynamical simulations of random matrices
J. Bloch and T. Wettig
JHEP 05 (2011) 048- Geometry dependence of RMT-based methods to extract the low-energy constants Sigma and F
C. Lehner, J. Bloch, S. Hashimoto, and T. Wettig
JHEP 05 (2011) 115- Random matrix theory of unquenched two-colour QCD with nonzero chemical potential
G. Akemann, T. Kanazawa, M. J. Phillips, and T. Wettig
JHEP 03 (2011) 066- Exact results for two-color QCD at low and high density
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto
PoS (LAT2010) 219- QPACE: Power-efficient parallel architecture based on IBM PowerXCell 8i
H. Baier et al.
Computer Science - Research and Development 25 (2010) 149- The epsilon expansion at next-to-next-to-leading order with small imaginary chemical potential
C. Lehner, S. Hashimoto, and T. Wettig
JHEP 6 (2010) 28- Chiral random matrix theory for two-color QCD at high density
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig, and N. Yamamoto
Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 081701(R)- Short-recurrence Krylov subspace methods for the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
J. Bloch, T. Breu, A. Frommer, S. Heybrock, K. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Comput. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 1378- Grüne Supercomputer (in German)
T. Wettig
Blick in die Wissenschaft 22 (2010) 21- Spectral Analysis of Dense Two-Color QCD
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, Naoki Yamamoto
Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in LHC Era (2009) 412- QPACE - a QCD parallel computer based on Cell processors
H. Baier et al.
PoS (LAT2009) 001- Krylov subspace methods and the sign function: multishifts and deflation in the non-Hermitian case
Jacques Bloch, Tobias Breu, Andreas Frommer, Simon Heybrock, Katrin Schäfer, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2009) 043- Chiral Lagrangian and spectral sum rules for two-color QCD at high density
Takuya Kanazawa, Tilo Wettig, and Naoki Yamamoto
PoS (LAT2009) 195- Infinite-N limit of the eigenvalue density of Wilson loops in 2D SU(N) YM
Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2009) 220- Finite-volume corrections to low-energy constants from the partially quenched effective theory
Christoph Lehner and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2009) 073- Random matrix analysis of the QCD sign problem
Jacques Bloch and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2009) 186- Wilson loops at finite N in 2D
Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2009) 213- Partially quenched chiral perturbation theory in the epsilon regime at next-to-leading order
C. Lehner and T. Wettig
JHEP 11 (2009) 005- Chiral Lagrangian and spectral sum rules for dense two-color QCD
T. Kanazawa, T. Wettig, and N. Yamamoto
JHEP 08 (2009) 003- Eigenvalue density of Wilson loops in 2D SU(N) YM
R. Lohmayer, H. Neuberger, and T. Wettig
JHEP 05 (2009) 107- Topology and chiral random matrix theory at nonzero imaginary chemical potential
C. Lehner, M. Ohtani, J.J.M. Verbaarschot, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 79 (2009) 074016- Random matrix analysis of the QCD sign problem for general topology
J. Bloch and T. Wettig
JHEP 03 (2009) 100- Possible large-N transitions for complex Wilson loop matrices
R. Lohmayer, H. Neuberger, and T. Wettig
JHEP 11 (2008) 053- Comparing iterative methods to compute the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
Jacques Bloch, Tobias Breu, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2008) 027- Status of the QPACE Project
H. Baier at al.
PoS (LAT2008) 039- Large-N phase transitions in the spectrum of products of complex matrices
Robert Lohmayer, Herbert Neuberger, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2008) 237- Topological susceptibility at finite temperature in a random matrix model
Munehisa Ohtani, Christoph Lehner, Tilo Wettig, Tetsuo Hatsuda
Mod. Phys. Lett. A23 (2008) 2465- QPACE: Quantum Chromodynamics Parallel Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine
G. Goldrian et al.
Computing in Science and Engineering 10 (2008) 46- Polyakov loops and spectral properties of the staggered Dirac operator
F. Bruckmann, S. Keppeler, M. Panero, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 034503- Character expansion method for supergroups and extended superversions of the Leutwyler-Smilga and Berezin-Karpelevich integrals
C. Lehner, T. Wettig, T. Guhr, and Y. Wei
J. Math. Phys. 49 (2008) 063510- Individual complex Dirac eigenvalue distributions from random matrix theory and lattice QCD at nonzero chemical potential
G. Akemann, J. Bloch, L. Shifrin, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 032002- Domain-wall and overlap fermions at nonzero quark chemical potential
J. Bloch and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 76 (2007) 114511- An iterative method to compute the sign function of a non-Hermitian matrix and its application to the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
J. Bloch, A. Frommer, B. Lang, and T. Wettig
Comput. Phys. Comm. 177 (2007) 933- Polyakov loops and SU(2) staggered Dirac spectra
Falk Bruckmann, Stefan Keppeler, Marco Panero, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2007) 274- QCD on the Cell Broadband Engine
F. Belletti, G. Bilardi, M. Drochner, N. Eicker, Z. Fodor, D. Hierl, H. Kaldass, T. Lippert, T. Maurer, N. Meyer, A. Nobile, D. Pleiter, A. Schaefer, F. Schifano, H. Simma, S. Solbrig, T. Streuer, R. Tripiccione, and T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2007) 039- An iterative method to compute the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
Jacques Bloch, Andreas Frommer, Bruno Lang, and Tilo Wettig
PoS (LAT2007) 169- Distributions of individual Dirac eigenvalues for QCD at non-zero chemical potential
G. Akemann, J. Bloch, L. Shifrin, and T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2007) 224- Nonzero chemical potential in the overlap Dirac operator and comparison to random matrix theory
J. Bloch and T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2006) 206- Overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential and random matrix theory
J. Bloch and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 012003- Bosonic color-flavor transformation for the special unitary group
Y. Wei and T. Wettig
J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005) 072306- Performance of machines for lattice QCD simulations
T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2005) 019- QCDOC: project status and first results
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, M. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 16 (2005) 129- Dirac eigenvalue correlations in quenched QCD at finite density
J.C. Osborn and T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2005) 200- Numerical results for normal modes in lattice QCD
W. Söldner and T. Wettig
PoS (LAT2005) 259- Matrix models and lattice simulations for QCD at nonzero density
T. Wettig
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 38 (2005)- The QCDOC project
P.A. Boyle et al.
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 140 (2005) 169- The status of user software on QCDOC
P.A. Boyle et al.
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 140 (2005) 829- Overview of the QCDSP and QCDOC computers
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, M.A. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L.A. Levkova, X. Liao, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
IBM Journal of R&D 49 (2005) 351- QCD Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential: lattice data and matrix model
G. Akemann and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 102002- QCDOC: A 10 Teraflops computer for tightly coupled calculations
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, M. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
Proceedings of Supercomputing 2004- Comparison of matrix model and lattice data for the QCD Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
G. Akemann and T. Wettig
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 37 (2004)- Status of the QCDOC computer project
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, M. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 37 (2004)- Benchmarking computer platforms for lattice QCD applications
M. Hasenbusch, K. Jansen, D. Pleiter, H. Stüben, P. Wegner, T. Wettig, and H. Wittig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 129 (2004) 847- Hardware and software status of QCDOC
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, M. Clark, S.D. Cohen, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 129 (2004) 838- Comparing matrix models and QCD lattice data with chemical potential
G. Akemann and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 129 (2004) 529- Generalizations of some integrals over the unitary group
B. Schlittgen and T. Wettig
J. Phys. A 36 (2003) 3195- The QCDOC supercomputer: hardware, software, and performance
P.A. Boyle, C. Jung, and T. Wettig
hep-lat/0306023, in Proceedings of CHEP03 (San Diego), eConf C0303241:THIT001-003 (2003)- Color-flavor transformation and application to lattice QCD
B. Schlittgen and T. Wettig
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 36 (2003)- The Color-Flavor Transformation and Lattice QCD
B. Schlittgen and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 119 (2003) 956- Status of and performance estimates for QCDOC
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Jung, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, K. Petrov, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 119 (2003) 1041- Matrix model correlation functions and lattice data for the QCD Dirac operator with chemical potential
G. Akemann and T. Wettig
hep-lat/0301017, in Proceedings of SEWM 2002 (Heidelberg)- Color-Flavor Transformation for the Special Unitary Group
B. Schlittgen and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B 632 (2002) 155- Spectrum of the SU(3) Dirac operator on the lattice: Transition from random matrix theory to chiral perturbation theory
M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 65 (2002) 034503- Calorons and localization of Dirac eigenvectors in lattice QCD
T. Wettig
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 35 (2002)- Lattice QCD at finite temperature: Evidence for calorons from the eigenvectors of the Dirac operator
C. Gattringer, M. Göckeler, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, W. Söldner, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 106 (2002) 492- Status of the QCDOC project
P.A. Boyle, D. Chen, N.H. Christ, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, B. Joo, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, G. Liu, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 106 (2002) 177- Calorons and localization of quark eigenvectors in lattice QCD
M. Göckeler, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, W. Söldner, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 042001- Spectrum of the U(1) staggered Dirac operator in four dimensions
B.A. Berg, H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D. 63 (2001) 014504- The spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator
T. Wettig
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 34 (2001) 282- QCDOC supercomputer for lattice QCD
D. Chen, N.H. Christ, Z. Dong, A. Gara, K. Garg, B. Joo, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, T. Wettig, and A. Yamaguchi
RIKEN Accel. Prog. Rep. 34 (2001) 278- QCDOC: A 10-Teraflops scale computer for lattice QCD
D. Chen, N.H. Christ, C. Cristian, Z. Dong, A. Gara, K. Garg, B. Joo, C. Kim, L. Levkova, X. Liao, R.D. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Supp.) 94 (2001) 825- Dirac eigenvalues and eigenvectors at finite temperature
M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, W. Söldner, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Supp.) 94 (2001) 402- Random matrix heory and chiral condensate for QED
B.A. Berg, H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Vienna, July 2000, eds. W. Lucha and K. Maung Maung, p. 365 (World Scientific, 2002)- Universality and chaos in quantum field theories
B.A. Berg, E. Bittner, M.-P. Lombardo, H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Proceedings of "Confinement 2000", Osaka, March 2000, eds. H. Suganuma, M. Fukushima, and H. Toki, p. 234 (World Scientific, 2001)- Fake symmetry transitions in lattice Dirac spectra
M. Schnabel and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000) 34501- Random matrix theory and chiral symmetry in QCD
J.J.M. Verbaarschot and T. Wettig
Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 50 (2000) 343- Random Matrices
M.A. Stephanov, J.J.M. Verbaarschot, and T. Wettig
in "Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering" (2000)- Random matrix theory, chiral perturbation theory, and lattice data
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, S. Meyer, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Phys. Lett. B 466 (1999) 293- Random Matrix Theory and Dirac Spectrum at Nonzero Temperature and Density
B.A. Berg, H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Proceedings of "Lattice Fermions and Structure of the Vacuum", eds. V. Mitrjushkin and G. Schierholz, p. 357 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000)- Beyond the Thouless energy
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, S. Meyer, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 83 (2000) 974- U(1) staggered Dirac operator and random matrix theory
B.A. Berg, H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 83 (2000) 917- QCD and random matrices
T. Wettig
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the "Dynamics of Complex Systems", Physica E 9 (2001) 443- Predictions of chiral random matrix theory and lattice QCD results
T. Wettig
Proceedings of "Understanding deconfinement in QCD", Trento, March 1999, eds. D. Blaschke, F. Karsch, and C.D. Roberts, p. 119 (World Scientific, 2000)- Spectral fluctuation properties of the non-hermitian Dirac operator
H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Proceedings of "Understanding deconfinement in QCD", Trento, March 1999, eds. D. Blaschke, F. Karsch, and C.D. Roberts, p. 132 (World Scientific, 2000)- Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory and Lattice QCD with Chemical Potential
H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 484- Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Logarithms
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, S. Meyer, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
hep-lat/9901013- Spectral correlations of the massive QCD Dirac operator at finite temperature
B. Seif, T. Wettig, and T. Guhr
Nucl. Phys. B 548 (1999) 475- Small eigenvalues of the SU(3) Dirac operator on the lattice and in Random Matrix Theory
M. Göckeler, H. Hehl, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 094503- Universal and non-universal behavior in Dirac spectra
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, M. Göckeler, S. Meyer, A. Schäfer, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 73 (1999) 605- Quantum chaos and QCD at finite chemical potential
R. Pullirsch, K. Rabitsch, H. Markum, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 73 (1999) 486- Crossover to non-universal microscopic spectral fluctuations in lattice gauge theory
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, M. Göckeler, T. Guhr, A.D. Jackson, J.-Z. Ma, S. Meyer, A. Schäfer, H.A. Weidenmüller, T. Wettig, and T. Wilke
Phys. Lett. B 438 (1998) 14- Smallest Dirac Eigenvalue Distribution from Random Matrix Theory
S.M. Nishigaki, P.H. Damgaard, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 58 (1998) 087704- Microscopic universality with dynamical fermions
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, S. Meyer, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 58 (1998) 071502- The microscopic spectrum of the QCD Dirac operator with finite quark masses
T. Wilke, T. Guhr, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 6486- Evidence for quantum chaos in the plasma phase of QCD
R. Pullirsch, K. Rabitsch, T. Wettig, and H. Markum
Phys. Lett. B 427 (1998) 119- Statistical properties at the spectrum edge of the QCD Dirac operator
J.-Z. Ma, T. Guhr, and T. Wettig
Eur. Phys. J. A 2 (1998) 87, 425- Microscopic universality in the spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, S. Meyer, A. Schäfer, J.J.M. Verbaarschot, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 1146- Fluctuation properties of the Dirac spectrum at finite temperature and density
R. Pullirsch, K. Rabitsch, H. Markum, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. A 642 (1998) c330- Random-matrix universality in the small-eigenvalue spectrum of the lattice Dirac operator
M.E. Berbenni-Bitsch, A.D. Jackson, S. Meyer, A. Schäfer, J.J.M. Verbaarschot, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 63A-C (1998) 820- Quantum chaos in QCD at finite temperature
H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, K. Rabitsch, and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 63A-C (1998) 832- Universal spectral correlations of the Dirac operator at finite temperature
T. Guhr and T. Wettig
Nucl. Phys. B 506 (1997) 589- Quantum chaos in the quark matrix at finite temperature
H. Markum, R. Pullirsch, K. Rabitsch, and T. Wettig
Proceedings of 31st International Ahrenshoop Symposium "Theory of Elementary Particles", Buckow, 1997, p. 310- The chiral phase transition, random matrix models, and lattice data
T. Wettig, T. Guhr, A. Schäfer, and H.A. Weidenmüller
Proceedings of "Hirschegg '97: QCD phase transitions", eds. H. Feldmeier, J. Knoll, W. Nörenberg, and J. Wambach, p. 69 (GSI, Darmstadt, 1997)- An Itzykson-Zuber-like integral and diffusion for complex ordinary and supermatrices
T. Guhr and T. Wettig
J. Math. Phys. 37 (1996) 6395- The chiral phase transition in a random matrix model with molecular correlations
T. Wettig, A. Schäfer, and H.A. Weidenmüller
Phys. Lett. B 367 (1996) 28- Interaction-induced delocalization of two particles in a random potential: Scaling properties
F. von Oppen, T. Wettig, and J. Müller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 491- Interaction-induced delocalization of quasiparticle pairs in the Anderson insulator
F. von Oppen and T. Wettig
Europhys. Lett. 32 (1995) 741- The chiral phase transition and random matrix models
T. Wettig, A. Schäfer, and H.A. Weidenmüller
Nucl. Phys. A 610 (1996) c492- Interacting particle and quasiparticle pairs in a random potential
F. von Oppen and T. Wettig
Proc. of XXXI Rencontres de Moriond (1996), eds. T. Martin, G. Montambaux, and J. Trân Thanh Vân, p. 235- The evolution of relativistic binary pulsars
T. Wettig and G.E. Brown
New Astronomy 1 (1996) 17
Check out the movie!- Diagrammatic Derivation of Bose Condensate Fractions
T. Wettig and Andy Jackson
Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996) 818- Criticality in simple models of evolution
J. de Boer, A.D. Jackson, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995) 1059- A simple model of self-organized biological evolution
J. de Boer, B. Derrida, H. Flyvbjerg, A.D. Jackson, and T. Wettig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 906- Factorial moments in a generalized lattice gas model
T. Wettig and A.D. Jackson
Phys. Rev. D 49 (1994) 157- High-Energy Multiparticle Distributions and a Generalized Lattice Gas Model
A.D. Jackson, T. Wettig, and N.L. Balazs
hep-ph/9307306- Necessary conditions for microscopic many-body theories
A.D. Jackson and T. Wettig
Phys. Rep. 237 (1994) 325PhD and Habilitation thesis
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State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1994. Microfilm at University of Michigan, Catalog No. 95-10257- Applications of random-matrix theory in QCD
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