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Matthias Uschold

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

E-mail: matthias.uschold (at) mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Office: M 205

I am a PhD student at the University of Regensburg, supervised by Prof. Dr. Clara Löh. I am a member and partially funded by the SFB 1085 "Higher Invariants".

I'm interested in: L2-Betti numbers, log-torsion growth, simplicial volume, proof assistants for the working mathematician (especially Lean)

Invited talks

27.06.2024 Mapping degree sets between manifolds” at Geometry + Groups Seminar, Universität Heidelberg
28.05.2024 Insiemi di gradi topologici tra varietà (Mapping degree sets between manifolds)” at Seminari dei Baby Geometri, SNS Pisa
02.05.2024 A dynamical criterion for vanishing homology growth” at AG-Seminar Topologie und Geometrische Gruppentheorie, KIT Karlsruhe
11.04.2024 Poster presentation “Inner-amenable groups and homology growth” at Young Geometric Group Theory XII, University of Bristol (Poster)
21.03.2024 Torsion homology growth and cheap rebuilding of inner-amenable groups” at Topological and Homological Methods in Group Theory, University of Bielefeld
24.11.2023 Homology growth and cheap rebuilding of inner-amenable groups” at the Groups, Dynamics and Topology Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
10.10.2023 From Amenable to Inner-Amenable” Gong Talk at Autumn School on Large Scale Geometry , Universität Göttingen (Slides)
26.09.2023 Amenable Groups in Lean” at the summer school Interactions of Proof Assistants and Mathematics , Universität Regensburg (Slides)
11.09.2023 From Amenable to Inner-Amenable” Lightning Talk at GRAZP Ventotene 2023 (Slides)
06.12.2022 Homology growth of inner amenable groups in degree one” at Oberseminar Topology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
27.09.2022 Implementing Amenable Groups in Lean” at the workshop Recent Advances in Bounded Cohomology, University of Regensburg (Lean source code)
09.05.2022 $L^2$ -Betti numbers and computability of reals” at the International young seminar on bounded cohomology and simplicial volume
24.03.2022 Computability of $L^2$ -Betti Numbers” at the Geometry Graduate Colloquium, ETH Zürich
21.01.2022 Computability and $\ell^2$ -Betti Numbers” at Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie, Heinrich Heine-Universität Düsseldorf


Master's thesis

I wrote my master's thesis “Computability and $\ell^2$ -Betti Numbers” (pdf) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Clara Löh. Some of the results were implemented using the Lean Theorem Prover. The project can be found here.




Summer term 2024 Tutor for Algebraic Topology III.5
Organiser of the HIOB Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and metric geometry (joint with Jonathan Glöckle and Julian Seipel)
Organiser of the Online Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume (joint with Federica Bertolotti and Kevin Li)
Winter term 2023/24 TA for Decision problems in groups
TA for Grundlagen der Mathematik/Lineare Algebra I (FIDS)
Organiser of the Online Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume (joint with Federica Bertolotti and Kevin Li)
Summer term 2023 TA for CAT(0)-cube complexes
TA for Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium
Organiser of the Online Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume (joint with Federica Bertolotti and Kevin Li)
Winter term 2022/23 TA for Open Covers and complexity (à la Lusternik--Schnirelmann)
Tutor for Applied Algebraic Topology
Organiser of the Online Seminar on Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume (joint with Federica Bertolotti and Kevin Li)
Summer term 2022 Tutor for Geometric Group Theory
Winter term 2021/22 TA for Proof Lab: Simplicial Topology
Tutor for Algebraic Topology
Summer term 2021 Tutor for Geometrie (Lehramt Gymnasium)
Winter term 2020/21 Tutor for Analysis I
Summer term 2020 Tutor for Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV)
Summer term 2019 Tutor for Einführung in Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik
Winter term 2018/19 Tutor for Algebra
Summer term 2018 Tutor for Lineare Algebra II
Winter term 2017/18 Tutor for Lineare Algebra I

Short CV

2021 - present PhD student at the University of Regensburg
2019 - 2021 MSc in Mathematics at the University of Regensburg
Master's thesis: “Computability and $\ell^2$ -Betti Numbers
09/2019 - 01/2020 ERASMUS stay at the Université de Bordeaux
2016 - 2019 BSc in Mathematics at the University of Regensburg
Bachelor's thesis: “Chromatic Number of Groups

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