Exploring Imaginary Coordinates: Disparity in the Shape of Quantum State Space in Even and Odd Dimensions
Simon Morelli, Santiago Llorens, and Jens Siewert
e-print arXiv:2404.15179 (2024).
Interplay of Andreev reflection and Coulomb blockade in hybrid superconducting single electron transistors
Laura Sobral Rey, David Christian Ohnmacht, Clemens B. Winkelmann, Jens Siewert, Wolfgang Belzig, and Elke Scheer
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 057001 (2024).
Correlation constraints and the Bloch geometry of two qubits
Simon Morelli, Christopher Eltschka, Marcus Huber, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
, 012423 (2024).
On orthogonal bases in the Hilbert-Schmidt space of matrices
Jens Siewert
J. Phys. Commun.
, 055014 (2022).
Characterizing generalized axisymmetric quantum states in d×d systems
Marcel Seelbach Benkner, Jens Siewert, Otfried Guehne, and Gael Sentis
Phys. Rev. A
, 022415 (2022).
The shape of higher-dimensional state space: Bloch-ball analog of a qutrit
Christopher Eltschka, Marcus Huber, Simon Morelli, and Jens Siewert
, 485 (2021).
Maximum N-body correlations do not in general imply genuine multipartite entanglement
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
, 229 (2020).
Dimensionally sharp inequalities for the linear entropy
Simon Morelli, Claude Kloeckl, Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert, and Marcus Huber
Linear Algebra and its Applications
, 294 (2020).
Joint Schmidt-type decomposition for two bipartite pure quantum states
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
, 022302 (2020).
Bound entangled states fit for robust experimental verification
Gael Sentís, Johannes N. Greiner, Jiangwei Shang, Jens Siewert, and Matthias Kleinmann
, 113 (2018).
Exponentially many entanglement and correlation constraints for multipartite quantum states
Christopher Eltschka, Felix Huber, Otfried Guehne, and Jens Siewert
Physical Review A
, 052317 (2018).
Distribution of entanglement and correlations in all finite dimensions
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
, 64 (2018).
Bounds on absolutely maximally entangled states from shadow inequalities, and the quantum MacWilliams identity
Felix Huber, Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert, and Otfried Guehne
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
, 175301 (2018).
Absolutely maximally entangled states of seven qubits do not exist
Felix Huber, Otfried Guehne, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 200502 (2017) -- open access.
Quantitative bound entanglement in two-qutrit states
Gael Sentís, Christopher Eltschka, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
, 020302(R) (2016).
Quantifying entanglement of maximal dimension in bipartite mixed states
Gael Sentís, Christopher Eltschka, Otfried Guehne, Marcus Huber, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 190502 (2016); Erratum ibid.
, 169901 (2019).
Unraveling multipartite entanglement for an important family of mixed states
Marcus Huber and Jens Siewert
Expert Opinion, Annalen der Physik
, 238 (2016).
Thermoelectric efficiency in the linear transport regime
Christopher Eltschka, Holger Thierschmann, Hartmut Buhmann and Jens Siewert
physica status solidi (a)
, 626 (2016).
Symmetry-assisted resonance transmission of identical particles
Dmitri Sokolovski, Jens Siewert, and Lev M. Baskin
Phys. Rev. A
, 012705 (2016).
Partial transposition as a direct link between concurrence and negativity
Christopher Eltschka, Géza Tóth, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
, 032327 (2015).
Monogamy equalities for qubit entanglement from Lorentz invariance
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Quantifying entanglement resources
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Review for Special Issue "50 years of Bell's theorem"
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
, 424005, (2014).
Heat bath can generate all classes of three-qubit entanglement
Christopher Eltschka, Daniel Braun, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
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Practical method to obtain a lower bound to the three-tangle
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
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Negativity as an Estimator of Entanglement Dimension
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 100503 (2013).
Optimal witnesses for three-qubit entanglement from Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger symmetry
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Quantum Information & Computation
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A quantitative witness for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Scientific Reports
, 942 (2012).
Quantifying tripartite entanglement of three-qubit generalized Werner states
Jens Siewert and Christopher Eltschka
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 230502 (2012).
Rescaling multipartite entanglement measures for mixed states
Oliver Viehmann, Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert
Appl. Phys. B
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Entanglement of Three-Qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger--Symmetric States
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 020502 (2012).
Even-odd effect in the thermopower and strongly enhanced thermoelectric efficiency for superconducting single-electron transistors
Christopher Eltschka and Jens Siewert
e-print arXiv:1111.2629 (2011).
Multipartite-entanglement monotones and polynomial invariants
Christopher Eltschka, Thierry Bastin, Andreas Osterloh, Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
, 022301 (2012) and Erratum: ibid.
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Polynomial invariants for discrimination and classification of four-qubit entanglement
Oliver Viehmann, Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert
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Invariant-based entanglement monotones as expectation values and their experimental detection
Andreas Osterloh and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A 86, 042302 (2012).
Mesoscopic Shelving Readout of Superconducting Qubits in Circuit QED
B. G. U. Englert, G. Mangano, M. Mariantoni, R. Gross, J. Siewert, and E. Solano
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The invariant-comb approach and its relation to the balancedness of multipartite entangled states
Andreas Osterloh and Jens Siewert
New Journal of Physics
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Magnetic circular dichroism in GaMnAs: (no) evidence for an impurity band
Marko Turek, Jens Siewert and Jaroslav Fabian
Phys. Rev. B
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Possibility of generalized monogamy relations for multipartite entanglement beyond three qubits
Christopher Eltschka, Andreas Osterloh, and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
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Advanced control with a Cooper-pair box: stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and
Fock-state generation in a nanomechanical resonator
Jens Siewert, Tobias Brandes, and Giuseppe Falci
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Electronic and optical properties of ferromagnetic GaMnAs in a multi-band tight-binding approach
Marko Turek, Jens Siewert and Jaroslav Fabian
Phys. Rev. B
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Mechanical erosion by flowing lava
Jens Siewert and Carmelo Ferlito
Contemporary Physics
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Sensitivity to parameters of STIRAP in a Cooper Pair Box
G. Mangano, J. Siewert, and G. Falci
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics
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Three-tangle for mixtures of generalized GHZ and generalized W states
Christopher Eltschka, Andreas Osterloh, Jens Siewert, and Armin Uhlmann
New Journal of Physics,
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Tangles of superpositions and the convex-roof extension
Andreas Osterloh, Jens Siewert, and Armin Uhlmann
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Entangled three-qubit states without concurrence and three-tangle
Robert Lohmayer, Andreas Osterloh, Jens Siewert, and Armin Uhlmann
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Adiabatic passage with superconducting nanocircuits
Jens Siewert, Tobias Brandes, and Giuseppe Falci
Optics Communications
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Entanglement monotones and maximally entangled states in multipartite qubit systems
Andreas Osterloh and Jens Siewert
International Journal of Quantum Information
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Lava channel formation during the 2001 eruption on Mount Etna: Evidence for mechanical erosion
Carmelo Ferlito and Jens Siewert
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Constructing N-qubit entanglement monotones from anti-linear operators
Andreas Osterloh and Jens Siewert
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Thermopower of a superconducting single-electron transistor
Marko Turek, Jens Siewert, and Klaus Richter
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Applications of adiabatic passage in solid-state devices
Jens Siewert and Tobias Brandes
Advances in Solid-State Physics
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Programmable networks for quantum algorithms
Norbert Schuch and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. Lett.
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A natural two-qubit gate for quantum computation using the XY interaction
Norbert Schuch and Jens Siewert
Phys. Rev. A
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Non-Abelian holonomies, charge pumping, and quantum computation with Josephson junctions
Lara Faoro, Jens Siewert, and Rosario Fazio
Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Implementation of the Four-Bit Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm with Josephson Charge Qubits
Norbert Schuch and Jens Siewert
physica status solidi (b)
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Holonomic Quantum Computation with Josephson Networks
Jens Siewert, Lara Faoro, and Rosario Fazio
physica status solidi (b)
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Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with Josephson charge qubits
Jens Siewert and Rosario Fazio
Journal of Modern Optics
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Interacting electrons in parabolic quantum dots: energy levels, addition energies, and charge distributions
Michael Schreiber, Jens Siewert, and Thomas Vojta
Int. Journal of Mod. Phys. B
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Quantum algorithms for Josephson networks
Jens Siewert and Rosario Fazio
Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Geometric quantum computation with Josephson qubits
Giuseppe Falci, Rosario Fazio, G. Massimo Palma, Jens Siewert, and Vlatko Vedral
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Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box
Mahn-Soo Choi, Rosario Fazio, Jens Siewert, and Christoph Bruder
Europhys. Lett.
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Detection of geometric phases in superconducting nanocircuits
Giuseppe Falci, Rosario Fazio, G. Massimo Palma, Jens Siewert, and Vlatko Vedral
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Quantum Computation with Josephson Qubits
G. Massimo Palma, Giuseppe Falci, Rosario Fazio, Jens Siewert, and Vlatko Vedral
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Current-voltage characteristics of NSS transistors
Rosario Fazio, Gerd Schön, and Jens Siewert
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Leakage and fidelity of real qubits
R. Fazio, G.M. Palma, E. Sciacca, and J. Siewert
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Aspects of Qubit Dynamics in the Presence of Leakage,
Jens Siewert, Rosario Fazio, G. Massimo Palma, and Emilio Sciacca
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Fidelity and leakage of Josephson qubits
Rosario Fazio, G. Massimo Palma, and Jens Siewert
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Two-quasiparticle Tunneling and Subgap Structure in All-Superconducting Single-Electron Transistors
Jens Siewert
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Two-quasiparticle tunneling in all-superconducting single-electron transistors
Jens Siewert
Europhys. Lett.
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A generalized model of non-thermal noise in the electromagnetic environment of small-capacitance tunnel junctions
Jens Siewert, Yuli V. Nazarov, and Giuseppe Falci
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Resonant Cooper-pair tunneling in voltage-biased superconducting single-electron transistors
Jens Siewert and Gerd Schön
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Charge transport in voltage-biased superconducting SET transistors
Jens Siewert and Gerd Schön
Phys. Rev. B
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Parity effects and higher-order tunneling in superconducting SET transistors
Jens Siewert, Gerd Schön, and Andrei D. Zaikin
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Parity effects in superconducting SET transistors
Gerd Schön, Jens Siewert, and Andrei D. Zaikin
Physica B
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Josephson effect in low-capacitance superconductor-normal-superconductor systems
Rüdiger Bauernschmitt, Jens Siewert, Yuli V. Nazarov, and Arkadi A. Odintsov
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Fast and slow dynamics in the one-dimensional Phi^4 lattice model: A molecular-dynamics study
Sergej Flach and Jens Siewert
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Dynamical scaling properties of a one-dimensional Phi^4 lattice model -- comparison with mode-coupling theory
Sergej Flach and Jens Siewert
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A study of long time correlations in finite Phi^4 systems (d = 1, 2) by use of molecular dynamics
Sergej Flach, Jens Siewert, Rolf Siems, and Jürgen Schreiber
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A molecular dynamics study of long-time correlations in a model of structural phase transitions -- comparison with a mode-coupling approximation
Sergej Flach, Jens Siewert, Rolf Siems, and Jürgen Schreiber
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Long time relaxation in high-T
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Sven Sahling and Jens Siewert
Sol. State Communications
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