Prison of Grah-Hoth Erika/Bandits

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Grah-Hoth Prison
Prison of Grah-Hoth
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General Hints

There are lots of nasty monsters guarding this prison: dark shades (invisible spell casters), guardians (invisible warriors) and golems (tough).

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Outside the building are four black shades, which should be eliminated before going further. In the SW is a hidden room with a rune. Stepping on the room turns of the defences inside the building.

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The Main Building

Whether you turn of the defences or not, there are golems and guardians in the entrance halls. It is probably a good idea to eliminate them now, otherwise they will get in the way when you try to leave.

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The prison

There is a hidden door at the east end of the northern external wall leading to a teleporter. Using the portal brings you to an enclosed area with another Portal in the NE. Using this portal takes you to a similar area in the NW. There is a secret door to the east leading into Grah-Hoth's Prison. If you dispel the barrier and cut the seal to the bottle with the Blessed Athame, you will free the demon lord. Doing so releases some poison but gives you 50xp. Going back to the west brings you to a portal which takes you to the other side of the locked door. Now you must fight your way out, unless you killed the golems and guardians beforehand.

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Alternative Route.

If you have Unlock Doors level 3 you can go into the building through any of the three doors (S, E, W) kill the guardians and golems and then go north to the locked door to the prison.