Fort Spire Erika/Bandits

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Fort Spire
Fort Spire
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General Hints

Fort Spire (not to be confused whit the town "Spire") lies in the middle of a chasm and is the last bastion between Avernum and the rogues and bandits in the Abyss. Or so the authorities think, but somehow there is a lot of bandit activity in the area.

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Shops, People and Quests
Person Function Items, Quests and Notes Rating
Bohman Commander You have to check in with him to be allowed to pass the fort. He will also give you a reward (500 coins, 10 xp and 1 reputation) for killing the bandits to the south. Quest
Reynold Priest Gives you some not very useful information about the Abyss.
Paul Prisoner He is rather abusive about "voles" and "worms".
Allison Captain Will tell you a bit about the Abyss and also opens the portcullis

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It is always a good idea to talk to everybody. The following notes give hints on hidden rooms, traps and puzzles.

If you have the box Dexter asked you to take to Meena you will not be able to pass the gates. It is not a good idea to tell anyone here that you have it.If you do, you will find it contains stolen goods and it will be confiscated. If you want to deliver it, you will need to try another route (via Fort Emerald).

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There is no inn here and no resting room.