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Fakultät für Mathematik Universität Regensburg


Franziska Hofmann

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

E-mail: franziska2.hofmann (at) mathematik.uni-regensburg.de
Office: M 205

About me

I am a PhD student at the University of Regensburg, supervised by Prof. Dr. Clara Löh. I am a member of the SFB 1085 "Higher Invariants" and partially funded by the SFB 1085 "Higher Invariants" and the DFG.

I'm interested in: geometric group theory, in particular in bounded cohomology and simplicial volume


Summer term 2024 Tutor for Kommutative Algebra
Winter term 2023/24 TA for Decision problems in groups
Tutor for Algebra
Summer term 2023 Tutor for Lineare Algebra II
Winter term 2022/23 Tutor for Lineare Algebra I
Summer term 2022 Tutor for Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR)
Winter term 2021/22 Tutor for Lineare Algebra II
Summer term 2021 Tutor for Lineare Algebra I
Winter term 2020/21 Tutor for Lineare Algebra II
Summer term 2020 Tutor for Lineare Algebra I


Short CV

2023 - present PhD student at the University of Regensburg
2021 - 2023 MSc in Mathematics at the University of Regensburg
Master's thesis: “Quasimorphisms and bounded Cohomology
2018 - 2021 BSc in Mathematics at the University of Regensburg
Bachelor's thesis: “Division Algebras

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Last Updated: ###25. July. 2023###