I have a old Gravis Blackhawk joystick that i dug up to use with my
Arduino. I opened up the back, and it doesn't have any electronics,
just a circuit board splitting out the DB15 connector to all the
buttons etc(no ICs etc). It has 3 buttons on the stick, a throttle pot
and another button on the base, and of course the X + Y axis slider
pots for the stick. All the buttons are each wired to a pin of the DB15
connector and the other side goes to GND. The X + Y axis and the slider
are connected to +5v, GND and a pin for each on the DB15.
Arduino programming was really simple. All i had to do was read 3
analog ports for the X,Y and throttle pots, and 4 Digital pins for the
buttons. Then I put them all into a string like:
"X,Y,SpeedPot,btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4" and printed to serial. Also, this
Arduinio code uses millis() rather than delay to be more precise in
/-----Axis-------------------------------------------------------// #define Xaxis 3 //Joystick X axis Analog pin 3 #define Yaxis 4 //Joystick Y axis Analog pin 4 #define SpeedPot 5 //Pot in base for speed, Analog pin 5
int XaxisVar = 0; //...analog pin 3---X axis int YaxisVar = 0; //...analog pin 4---Y axis int SpeedVar = 0; //...analog pin 5---Speed pot //----------------------------------------------------------------//
//-----Buttons----------------------------------------------------// #define TrigBtn 2 //trigger button, digital 2 #define MidBtn 6 //Button below trigger on joystick, digital 3 #define LowBtn 4 //Lowest button on the joystick, digital 4 #define BaseBtn 5 //button on base of joystick, digital 5
int TrigBtnState = 0; //Stores the state of TrigBtn int MidBtnState = 0; //...MidBtnState int LowBtnState = 0; //...LowBtnState int BaseBtnState = 0; //...BaseBtnState //----------------------------------------------------------------// int HypDelayTime = 100; //time you want the code to loop at. will be used to figure actual delay time(see end of code).
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
for (int pin=2; pin<=6; ++pin) //sets all digital pin 2-5 as input and enables internal pullups. { pinMode(pin, INPUT); //sets button pins to input digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // sets the pull up. } }
void loop() { int TimeInt = millis(); //record time at begining of main loop
int TimeEnd = millis(); //record time at the end of main loop
//the DelayTime is the time so that the code actually repeats at 1000ms.
//"Time we actualy want to
delay"="EndOfCodeTime"-"BeginingOfCodeTime"="time taken for code to
execute"-"hypothetical delay"(what we wanted to delay(1000ms)) int DelayTime = HypDelayTime - (TimeEnd-TimeInt); delay(DelayTime);
//Serial.println(DelayTime); //prints delay time. is about ~980ms, so
we can tell that all the signal reading and formating takes 20ms. }