By the end of the show others were standing, and for the encore people actually (gasp!) stood right in front of him. Musta been a lonely show from his perspective.
Set was half acoustic, half electric. Odd selection of songs, obscure newer stuff and no-so-famous older stuff. Plus Fools' Gold, Lady Doctor, Heat Treatment, Back To Schooldays, Start A Fire...
Did Guillotines of Guadeloupe, a two-chord song he says was recorded for the most recent album (Acid Bubblegum) but was left off.
Reprised his great 1977 cover of Ann Peebles' I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down, with a poke at Paul Young for his "safe" 80s cover of same (and the fact that PY claimed his version was more definitive than AP's original). My record(s) show song's author as E. Randle...
I'm Gonna Use it Now (ultra rare B-side of first single) introduced as the best recording he ever did with the Rumour, though the "mating in the back seat of the car" theme made it unsuitable for inclusion on the "armagedon theme" first album.
Followed this with some jokes about new Oasis album (which I called out was the same as the last one, to which he replied "Yeah, I noticed that too"), then he covered their She's Electric.
Next was a brief a cappela Someone To Watch Over Me cover.
Finished up with Don't Let It Break You Down, featuring a verse or two of Substitute, a snippet of Waiting For The Man, and finishing with a (wordless) bash at Here Comes The Sun.
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