Graham Parker's latest, soon to be released single and album. Surprise for you all. Graham has been living and working in London for the past few months and working hard, rehearsing and recording his next offering to be titled:   ' THE REAL MACAW '

The album is to be released in the USA towards the end of July and then it will be released in the UK. The single, taken from the album and still to be named will be released here in the UK in June along with a promotional video. The album has been produced by David Kershenbaum (also produced the last Joe Jackson album) and the musicians accompanying GP are : BRINSLEY SCHWARTZ - guitars, GEORGE SMALL - keyboards, KEVIN JENKINS - bass, GILSON LAVIS - drums, MEL COLLINS - sax., MORRIS PERT - percussion and SAHRA LARSON - strings. The logo for this album will be a macaw with spex on, well what else did you expect !! You have been pre-warned what to look out for so get all your pennies and cents ready and soon as it is released rush out and get a copy, then you can let me know what you think of it.....


Along with working on a new album Graham Parker has undergone a change in management and is now being managed by Ernest Chapman who also manages Jeff Beck. Perhaps he along with all off GP's dedicated followers can persuade him into another World tour. I think the one and only question that is asked the most is "when will GP be visiting Boston, Scunthorpe, Brighton, Oslo, etc. again .. I will keep you posted..

GP's Birthday Painting . . . .

A big thank you to everyone who sent in their $'s, £'s and pennies to go towards GP's birthday present. The present, an original water colour titled 'Another Grey Area', was given to GP on his return from New York (and before he could vanish again) it was such short notice I didn't have time to organize an official presentation but as you can seefrom the letter Graham has written the picture was much appreciated. The artist, Wiliam Neil, specialises in water colors and the picture, a landscape was painted in pastel blue running into pearly grey tones and was very beautifull. An example of Will's work is shown below 'Take a Pebble'. You can't really see from a photo-copy the quality of his work so if you get the opportunity do visit an exhibition of Will's work. He was so taken with GP's album (being a complete fan himself) he also did a painting of 'Temporay Beauty' which was a beautiful snowscene - a flowing stream in woodland set in winter with the snow on the banks melting into the stream. Hopefully you are all happy with the present, any ideas for next year ?

Dear Iris + Fan Club Members,

Thank you very much for the painting entitled 'another grey area' which Iris presented to me for my birthday present on my return from New York.

As an original done by a chap Iris knows who is obviously a very skilled artist, his name is William Neal.

It's a very subtle landscape, simple and effective and depicts 'another grey area' perfectly. As you won't all get a chance to see what it's like I'll put down a little rendition of it here. Vis : -->

It's hanging in my bedroom and is very peaceful to exercize in front of in the morning.

G. Parker

"Take a pebble" by William Neal, Watercolour 24" x 17"

Chenil Art Gallery

The last Newsletter carried a competition where I asked you to take a photograph depicting the song title 'Paralysed'. We have a winner !!    Buddy Ascott from Orpington, Kent. His prize (for newcomers) was a live tape recorded at the Hammersmith Odeon London. It.was recorded by the BBC and broadcast on June 6th '82. The photo-copy again doesn't really do the picture any justice as you can see below (the glasses are empty !!) Thanks for having a go anyway.  CHEERS! 

The lyrics to GP's albums, HOWLIN WIND, STICK TO ME, HEAT TREATMENT, SQUEEZING OUT SPARKS, THE UP ESCALATOR and ANOTHER GREY AREA are still available. They are type-written and photocopied at the moment maybe at a later date we can have them printed into some form of booklet. The cost at the moment covers printing, post and packing only. If you would like a copy of the lyrics for all 6 albums please send $4 for USA, £1.85 UK and £2.50 Europe.

Many thanks to everyone who has sent in articles especially from other parts of the Globe. Tom Timms from Woking, Surrey has sent in something that (as we have some space) some of you might find interesting, over to Tom ........


A few years ago BBC Radio 1 ran an excellent series called Star Special when a guest D.J. played 2 hours of his or her favourite music. Graham Parker was one of the star D.J.'s and his choice of records made very interesting listening. The show was broadcast sometime in late 1979 and here, with apologies to Graham and the BBC, are the records he chose and some of the comments he made.

The show started with "My favourite record of all time" RAG DOLL by the FOUR SEASONS (1964) which "Makes you cry ... wish I could sing like that." This was followed by YOU ARE EVERYTHING by DIANA ROSS and MARVIN GAYE (1974). "Great singers here." Then "Still on Motown another great song waith a lot of power, anger and spit and everything in it BERNADETTE by the FOUR TOPS (1967)"

The next record was "for all the housewives and mixed marriages out there." HAITIAN DIVORCE by STEELY DAN (1976). The two choices after this were obviously by artists who influenced G.P. a lot. Apparently in about 1969 during the blues revival thing Graham used to watch Peter Green and imitate him infront of the mirror "I wanted to be a lead guitarist. It didn't work at all" Peter Green's FLEETWOOD MAC and NEED YOUR LOVE SO BAD (1968). "Another who I tried to imitate" TRY A LITTLE TENDERNESS by OTIS REDDING (1967) "A song to make everyone fall in love". Next "a song to make everyone hate each other - a desperate stab at credibility" ANARCHY IN THE UK - THE SEX PISTOLS (1976).

"If you join the army after hearing this then you deserve it. Pretty little number with real vicious lyrics ... For everyone who lives in Aldershot - wonderful town" OLIVERS ARMY - ELVIS COSTELLO (1979). Another great singer songwriter "PAUL SIMON by himself KODACHROME - a lot of talent under all that wimpery". "Number 10 in my chart - LITTLE FEAT. Lowell George is dead - if you missed them I feel sorry for you - one of the best rock'n'roll bands on the face of the earth TRIPE FACE BOOGIE - eat your heart out Brinsley Schwarz!" (G.P. and the Rumour played this song at the Hammersmith Palais October 1980). This was followed by ALL THE YOUNG DUDES - MOTT THE HOOPLE (1972) and "The most fabulous, wonderful popular group there's ever been I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND - THE BEATLES" (1963).

The next two songs were disco numbers "I love disco ... modern soul music" CRANK IT UP - PETE BROWN (a big hit in America) and BAD GIRLS - DONNA SUMMER (1979). Then Graham remembered the times when he went to the "ATA - the ATLANTA BALLROOM in WOKING (which unfortunately no longer exists)." I had a Burtons Tayloring suit with big long cults ... a real pseudo soul song that always gets me - BABY NOW THAT I'VE FOUND YOU - THE FOUNDATIONS" (1967). This was followed by a BOB DYLAN track "strange number really - I like it a lot" I WANT YOU (1966).

Next came "one of the best new groups ... for everyone under 5" SHEENA IS A PUNK ROCKER - THE RAMONES (1977). Followed by a real admission "I like all this corny stuff really - a limp comes to my thoat when I hear songs like this" LOVE GROWS WHERE MY ROSEMARY GOES - EDISON LIGHTHOUSE (1970) "Ain't I an old sotty" I can only say yes! After this interesting choice came some "modern stuff - the best group in the Universe at the moment" - TEENAGE KICKS - THE UNDERTONES (1978) "Incredible" and "a foreign chappy - seen him a few times live, he's great, bit of a tearjerker aswell" NO WOMAN NO CRY - BOB MARLEY and the WAILERS (1975). Then "on to the old pub rock stuff - the first British punk group ever or so Martin Belmont tells me FIREBALL - DUCKS DELUXE" (Martin was with the Ducks before the Rumour)

"For all the Australian contingent" FRIDAY ON MY MIND the EASYBEATS (1966). "I could have picked Miss You, Beast of Burden, Brown Sugar or a million others by the ROLLING STONES but this is probably my favourite of all time TUMBLING DICE" (1972).

"The first time I saw the CLASH ... at the Rainbow ... they made a terrible noise, they were awful ... but since this song I've loved them a lot (WHITE MAN) IN HAMMERSMITH PALAIS" (1978). This was followed by the mod favourite GUNS OF NAVARONE by the SKATALITES (1967). "I actually got beaten up whilst dancing to that track at the ATLANTA in Woking - Apparently I'd stolen somebody's girlfriend - seemed a bit strange to me that 6 blokes had the same girlfriend but that's the way it goes!"

"On to the dross now" VIC DAMONE - ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE (1958) "This is for you mum".. The kind of song most mums would like (I don't much!). This was followed by two more modern songs LITTLE SISTER by RY COODER and WHAT A WASTE - IAN DURY and the BLOCKHEADS followed by another surprise.

"Here's a song I used to sit cross legged to and have lots of visions and things. I spent about 2 years doing that kind of thing - The Rumour will hate me for playing this - TICKETS TO THE WATERFALL - Jack Bruce." Then "from the mind to the body" the great AL GREEN - SHA LA LA (MAKE ME HAPPY) (1974). Grahams penultimate choice was IT HURTS ME TOO - ELMORE JAMES "this is really heavy blues stuff" and the show finished with another Australian group the SPORTS with WRECKLESS. They supported G.P. on the Squeezing Out Sparks tour.

I thought the program provided an interesting insight into Graham Parker and his musical influences. I hope you agree.

Many apologies to everyone who has been waiting patiently for their Mail Order items and also this News Letter which should have been with you by the end of '82 ! I have been snowed under for the past few months but am beginning to organise myself a bit better, the kids will have to wait for their egg and chips this newsletter has got to get to the printers today. I have been working full time driving a delivery van so if you see a white mercedez van stand well clear !! The only item outstanding at the moment are the books (again). I am trying to get some more but it all takes time. Somebody up there is making it very difficult for us to have these books !! Anyway thanks for being patient, a leetle more time pleese ........

At last we have some new photos organised, the ones I've been using were rather dated! When you all renew your membership - you will won't you - I will send them out to you, also there are some tour posters and metal badges left, the first people to renew, will receive them, until stocks run out.

That's all for now folks ! You are right up to date with GP's movements, keep your eyes and ears peeled for the new album. The next newsletter will hold all the reviews etc. on the album, should make for some interesting reading ! Drop me a line to let me know what they think of the album in your neck of the woods .........


NL6/May '83 - Graham Parker Fan Club, 75 Milford Lodge, Milford, Surrey. England.

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