THE LAST ROCK'N'ROLL TOUR, Razor & Tie RT 2827-2, 4/15/1997, USA
Outside, in the freezing wind-whipped streets between the charred rotting
canyons of the blasted redundant cities, scum youth in beads, braids and foul
foot thongs shivered and begged for pennies as the Singer and his Soul
Monkeys soundchecked in the equally cold interiors of the sticky black
niteclubs, preparing for their final lonesome onslaught.
The scum youth, many of whom had had fingers, hands - even arms - amputated,
the better to beg, were oblivious to the vicious squealing electric guitar
drum and vocal attack enacted within the grizzled catacombs. They merely
continued to beg on the streets, twist low grade hemp in Zig-Zags, beat
sullenly on goatskin bongos and talk morosely of summer and car park
happenings at quasi-Dead events.
Out in the grim suburbs, yellow-skinned rheumy-eyed corpies emerged slowly
from sarcophagi as their Virtual Systems clicked on and booted up at the
slight raise in temperature promoted by their elevating heart beat rates.
Once emerged, these Compromised Personalities limbered fingers for their
mouses and bent their red minstrel lips to liquid feed tubes which snaked
from the tangled wires behind their workstations. Then, they began the
three hour shift for the Corporation. Later, the Good Work behind them, they
could Immerse and Interact at leisure, surfing till screen weariness and
dawn heralded their sarcophic seclusion.
Meanwhile, back at the gig, a grossly mutated norway rat, its obscene pink
tail bouncing across the spittle-encrusted dance floor like a cancerous
intestine, scuttled between the five pairs of feet that tapped clandestinely
in the gloaming before the stage as the Singer and his Soul Monkeys spewed
forth the dying remnants of The Artifact, their venom and attitude blunted
not a whit by the embarrassed smattering of applause eked out as each parable
of the ancient craft reached its culminating lesion of slashing guitar chords.
The scum youth outside world, like the corpies, become Compromised
Personalities. In time, they to would yield to their destiny and virtualize
their souls. And inside the sickening dressing rooms of the miserable
venues, The Soul Monkeys spoke of day jobs in the Virtual Factory and the
Singer, furtively jacking into his freebie translucent Corporation
workstation, secretly tapped out the liner notes for The Last Rock n Roll
Tour, effectively betraying the final vestiges of life left in the decaying
sunset of The Artifact...
Who did what...
MIKE GENT: Guitar Left, Backing Vocals
GUY LYONS: Guitar Right, Backing Vocals
PETE DONNELLY: Bass, Backing Vocals
GP: Vocals, Acoustic and Electric Guitars
CREW: Paul Acosta, Kevin Ure, John Katsafanas
Recorded at Bogies, Albany, NY
November 24, 1996 by ASL Mobile
Engineered by Brad Morrison
Assisted by Steve Remote
Mixed by Brad Morrison and Eric Rachel
at Trax East, South River, NJ
Mastered by Elliott Federman at DSW, NYC
Art Direction: Murray Brenman/MBGD
Cover Concept: GP
Title Lettering: Natalie Parker
All songs written by Graham Parker
Ellisclan Ltd. © Admin by Bug Music except:
Cream, written by Prince, Controversy Music, Admin WB Music Corp, ASCAP
Around and Around, written by Chuck Berry, Isalee Music, BMI
What you hear is what we did...
This has been a GP Production for Really Insane 'Career' Moves, Inc.
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